Avengers, The (1963 series) #330 synopsis by
T Vernon
The Avengers (Captain America, Thor, Vision, Sersi, Black Widow, She-Hulk, Quasar) have been banished to the Dimension of Exile by the Tetrarchs of Entropy, Sersi has been sealed within a large unbreakable crystal as has Thor’s hammer Mjolnir, to prevent them from collaborating to open a dimensional portal to escape. Vision calms the others by working out a solution to the riddle. Noting that the crystals are actually a solid field of anti-probability, a stasis field that negates magic. There is a possibility that breaking the field may destroy Mjolnir, which Thor notes will be cataclysmic. But freeing Mjolnir will be the key to rescuing Sersi so it is up to Thor to decide; he agrees to take the chance for Sersi’s sake. At Vision’s direction, Quasar uses his Quantum Bands to create a giant chisel in the field and She-Hulk is instructed to hit it once Vision enters the field, places himself around the hammer and increases his density. Bang! The hammer is freed without damage. So they prepare to do the same to free Sersi but the Tetrarchs return and break the field anyway, surprised that such inferior creatures could cooperate in such a way. Cap accuses the Tetrarchs of injustice but they respond that justice and injustice, right and wrong, do not concern them. Their interest is in maintaining entropy therefore and any system of order, whether good or evil is their enemy. Cap, Sersi, and Thor attack Yod of the All-Seeing Eye (a pyramid with an eye on each side) who opens a portal and the heroes fall through, and it closes behind them. Then serpentine Hafga encircles the others in his coils and they are cast into a void….
Cap, Thor, and Sersi find themselves on a desolate and foul-smelling landscape. Four alien monsters approach, then attack. Then She-Hulk, Vision, Black Widow, and Quasar land in a burning plain with a trio of weird creatures threatening them. A battle ensues here too….
Back on Earth, the Reserve Avengers (Captain Marvel (Monica Rambeau), Spider-Man, Black Knight, Falcon, Hercules) are debating what to do. Hercules insists they get down to rescuing their comrades. Jarvis enters to ask the two Probationary Members (Rage, Sandman) to come with him. The Support Staff (John Jameson, Peggy Carter, Michael O’Brien, Fabian Stankowicz) are tasked with “processing them in.” A security clearance is necessary and Sandman, forthcoming about his criminal past, has been cleared. Because he chooses to retain a secret identity, Rage is shown into the Secret Background Chamber where a pre-recorded video of Tony Stark assures him that Rage can enter his real name, searches will be made, and then his identity will be deleted from all computer files, maintaining his secret. A bit uncertain, Rage follows the instructions and enters his name, Elvin D. Haliday….
Cap and Thor notice something oddly familiar about their opponents and Cap realizes what is going on; he instructs Sersi to project into their foe’s minds the illusion that they are who they say they are. And with that, the two Avenges teams discover they were facing each other. The Tetrarchs reappear, convinced the Avengers are not representatives of Ultimate Good or Ultimate Evil thus unlikely to be (as the Tetrarchs thought) allies of Ngh the Unspeakable. This clears up everything….
Rage receives his clearance from Tony. Emerging from the chamber, Rage is welcomed to the team and presented with his own membership card. His first action is to use the special phone card to call his Granny Staples—but the phone is answered by Ngh the Unspeakable, threatening Granny unless Rage does what they say. He hangs up the phone and the others notice something is wrong but Rage denies it and heads off. Ngh and his followers are thrilled at the prospect of having an Avenger in their power….
At the Avengers HQ, an alarm goes off and everyone heads up to the roof to see the missing primary team return, accompanied by the Tetrarchs of Entropy. Cap tells them the Tetrarchs are neither the good guys nor the bad guys as secretly he and Thor don’t trust them and intend to keep an eye on them. Meanwhile, the Tetrarchs are plotting to use the Avengers to lead them to Ngh, after which they will banish the entire Earth to the Dimension of Exile….
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Fabian Stankowicz, John Jameson, Michael O'Brien, Rage (
Elvin Daryl Haliday).
Ngh the Unspeakable, Tetrarchs Of Entropy.