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Avengers, The (1963 series) #322

Fabian Nicieza | Paul Ryan

Avengers, The (1963 series) #322 cover

Story Name:

The Crossing Line Part 4: Bombs Away


Avengers, The (1963 series) #322 synopsis by T Vernon
Rating: 4 stars
Conception Bay, St. John’s, Newfoundland: The Avengers (Captain America, Sersi, Quasar, Vision, Stingray), the Russian team, the People’s Protectorate (Vostok, Perun, Fantasma, Crimson Dynamo, Red Guardian), and Alpha Flight (Guardian (Heather McNeil), Diamond Lil, Box, Puck, Shaman) have entered the hijacked submarine Waterwind to discover that the last two Peace Corpse terrorists (Prokvitch and Strokov) have biologically attached themselves to the missile control console, making themselves into living nuclear arsenals. So at this point, the Atlantean warriors led by Tyrak, Orka, and U-Man launch an attack. The assorted heroes jump into action and give battle. Quasar jumps into a rematch with Tyrak, Perun takes on Orka, Crimson Dynamo fights U-Man, Fantasma masks the island’s civilians from the enemy’s senses, Sersi and Shaman use their special powers to transport the people to the other side of the island. Box arrives to give Perun an underwater hand and electrocutes Orka but the shock burns out his power so Madison Jeffries phases though the armor and allows it to sink to the bottom of the bay….

Aboard the ship, Captain America and Red Guardian are trying to understand why the terrorists are taking this action so they have a chance of stopping the madness. Red G unmasks, allowing Prokvitch to see that he is Josef Petrus, son of Prokvitch’s best friend. So Prokvitch reveals the terrorists’ scheme: Starting a world-wide war to lift the international economy out of its doldrums, as war is always good for the economy. Vision and Vostok discover there is no way to disconnect their psychic link to the weapons before the terrorists can detonate them….

The fight is nearing the Waterwind so the tired Shaman and Sersi must redouble their efforts to evacuate the civilians. Guardian sees Crimson Dynamo struggling with U-Man so she swoops down and snatches the villain into the air and vanishes. Quasar stops holding back and delivers a beating to Tyrak who vows he will fight to the death….

Aboard the ship, Cap and Red G thump the terrorists on their heads to distract them so the two Synthezoids can disconnect the psychic links. But Prokvitch tells them they have triggered the fail-safe…and a nuclear holocaust devastates the island….

Good (or All)
Plus: BOX (Madison Jeffries), Crimson Dynamo (Dmitri Bukharin), Diamond Lil, Fantasma, Guardian (Heather MacNeil), Red Guardian (Josef Petkus), Shaman, Stingray (Walter Newell), Tyrak, U-Man.

Story #2

Into the Fire

Writer: Mark Gruenwald.Penciler: Jim Reddington. Inker: Mickey Ritter. Colorist: Joe Rosas. Letterer: Chris Eliopoulos.


By T Vernon
Rating: 3 stars
At the Avengers’ new headquarters, communications director Peggy Carter sits amazed at the state-of-the-art equipment the Avengers have provided, even better than the set-up at SHIELD. She decides to contact Cap to thank him and puts a call through to Newfoundland, his last known location. Instead, a flaming image of her late sister Sharon appears on the screen, appealing to her. Horrified, she hastily shuts off the picture—but then Sharon comes up again, while the screens show the other crew members ignoring her calls for aid. The flaming Sharon enters the room, explaining that if Captain America could come back from the dead, so could she, while Peggy points out that Cap wasn’t really dead. Sharon responds that both of them were assigned by SHIELD to infiltrate the National Force and both were brainwashed into self-immolation, yet Peggy escaped unharmed. Sharon berates Peggy for not taking care of her. Peggy is ashamed and asks forgiveness, The sisters hug, Sharon revealing a swastika on her arm, and Peggy burns, collapsing to the floor….

Good (or All)

> Avengers, The (1963 series) comic book info and issue index

Excelsioring your collection:
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Main/1st Story Full Credits

Paul Ryan
Chris Ivy
Renee Witterstaetter
Paul Ryan (Cover Penciler)
Tom Palmer (Cover Inker)
Unknown (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Jack Morelli.
Editor: Howard Mackie. Editor-in-chief: Tom DeFalco.

Review / Commentaries

Avengers, The (1963 series) #322 Review by (December 7, 2024)
Comments: “The Crossing Line: Part 4 of Six: Escalation!”—Cover.

Second story: Sharon Carter was believed dead between CAPTAIN AMERICA #237 and #446 which includes the period of this comic.  

Review: Yikes! Never saw that coming. It’s a largely battle centered issue wherein most of the overabundance of hero characters introduced over the last few issues have nothing to do but fight faceless blue people. I’m not even sure everyone from the three hero teams is in here and I didn’t want to take inventory. The real important work is done by Cap, Red Guardian, Vision, and Vostock, trying to stop the nuclear holocaust—and inadvertently causing it.

Second story: The art is a disappointment this installment, making Peggy look like a fat old lady with pasted-on lips. It actually detracts from the story, which has an odd feel anyway as we are used to Sharon Carter being around forever. The swastika is a neat if unsubtle clue to who is behind this as well.


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