As the story opens Captain America is practicing with his improved shield after Iron Man has installed new magnetic transistors in it for greater control. After the practice, Cap reveals he is still mourning his lost partner, and he takes an oath of revenge against the villain who caused Bucky’s death. At that moment, the killer in question is in hiding in South America: fugitive Nazi scientist Baron Zemo flies into a rage when learns that Captain America is still alive, having vowed vengeance against Cap for the accident that splattered him with his own Adhesive X, permanently gluing his mask to his face. Zemo assembles a team of Avengers baddies to lure the heroes into a trap: the Black Knight, the Melter, and Radioactive Man—enemies of Giant-Man, Iron Man, and Thor respectively. The villains spread Adhesive X around the city causing havoc, and when the Avengers arrive, they find themselves hard-pressed against their foes. Cap and Giant-Man end up glued to the sidewalk and the team of heroes barely escapes, heading back to their HQ to find a solution for Adhesive X. They contact criminal glue expert Paste-Pot Pete, who offers his super-dissolver in exchange for clemency and the Avengers gain a weapon against their enemies.
Cap takes command, suggesting a new strategy for dealing with their foes—switching enemies in battle. When Zemo arrives, he plots a new assault on the city but Rick Jones and the Teen Brigade secretly substitute the super-dissolver for the Adhesive X in the villains’ spray tanks. Thus, when the Masters of Evil launch their second attack on the city, their spray releases the previously trapped citizens. The Avengers then arrive and Thor faces the Black Knight, Giant-Man tackles Radioactive Man and Iron Man tackles the Melter. Back at Zemo’s base, however, the Nazi criminal has captured and hypnotized Rick and the Teen Brigade, forcing them to serve him—until Captain America arrives to battle his long-time foe. Cap overpowers Zemo but is shot by Zemo’s pilot, the bullet grazing his skull. Giant-Man and Wasp appear to prevent the pilot taking another shot at Cap, the Teen Brigade is de-hypnotized by Iron Man, and the villains are captured. The only escapee is Zemo who has absconded with what he thought was the super-solvent, hoping to finally remove his mask. What he ended up with however, was a tank of tear gas, leading to a very bumpy landing.