Aboard a derailed train in Poland, Black Widow and Nick
Crane are running from villains Fantasma and Crimson Dynamo. Nat and Nick hide
under the floorboards and she hurls an electrical cable and some explosive
pellets and electrocutes the Crimson D. They rush into the next car to find it
afire, full of flames with Fantasma standing in the midst. Nat tells Nick it is
only an illusion created by Fantasma. They then have the sensation that they
are on fire but it stops suddenly…when Fantasma is conked on the head by
Fatale, Nat’s nemesis….
The three of them gather in a shady hotel in Warsaw. Fatale
reveals that she was the one who drew Senator Crane into the scandal, disguised
as Black Widow, but she did not kill him; Nick does not believe his father died
by suicide. Fatale then explains that she was hired through her “cutout” but he
was killed so the only way Fatale could find her mystery client and demand her
payment is through Nick’s anonymous source. Nat and Fatale agree that the
primary reason for the operation was to set the two women against one another;
when that failed, Fantasma and Crimson Dynamo were sent in. So, Nick reveals
that his source was “Sadko,” who claimed to be a former Russian security
They trace Sadko’s cell number to a hotel in Bulgaria.
Natasha and Fatale enter the hotel disguised as party girls and ride to the top
floor. At a nearby café, Nick receives a text from Sadko: “You sent them to me?
Thank U.” And then the hotel’s top floor explodes. But Nick then receives a
text from Natasha, telling him to keep following the trail. Then Nick is nabbed
and smuggled back into the USA….
Natasha and Fatale (whose name is Kate) arranged to fake
their deaths in the obvious trap so they could continue to search for their
common enemy….
In a secret underground facility in Yaksuk, Russia, a female
guard is killed by an intruder….