In Afghanistan, US Marine Corporal James Newman heads out on a military mission plagued by doubts: how can he help this country if he can’t tell friend from enemy? He wants to make America safe from the terrorists of al-Qaida but it seems nothing has any effect. And he fears that he will never see his young son, born since he was deployed. His patrol is attacked by the enemy and he finds himself in a firefight, moving on instinct and trusting in the loyalty of his buddies. In a building he comes upon a young couple: are they friend or foe? In his confusion and exhaustion he sinks to the ground…and hears a voice encouraging him to continue the fight for freedom. He looks up to see Captain America. Jimmy and the hero head outside together; while Cap gives cover from enemy fire, Jimmy rescues two wounded comrades and carries them to safety. After the dust clears, Cap is nowhere to be seen. More puzzling, no one else saw him either. Jimmy is acclaimed a hero but his story about Captain America is chalked up to stress. The confused Corporal Newman calls out to Cap and is heard…by Captain America, miles away in a hospital bed, connected to life support….