At a secret lab in Washington, Captain America lies dying, and only his strength of will is keeping him alive to keep the dream of his mission alive. He is able to give encouragement to Marine Corporal James Newman, trapped in a cave in Afghanistan, unable to call for help. Cap assures Jimmy that the strength and courage he needs come from within. Cap explains that he is in a guarded medical facility in Washington, his body failing from the effects of the Super-Soldier Serum years ago. His mental abilities had increased, though, to where he could visualize enemy bases overseas and guide military mission. He then discovered he could will other people to see him, as a trick to deceive the enemy but then…. At this moment, Cap’s vital signs fail, and he starts to fade from Jimmy’s view, his last words those of encouragement. Back in the cave, Jimmy, unable to believe his eyes, and unable to help his dying comrades, hears the sound of dripping water….