Comic Browser: #1 - Case No. 1. Meet Captain America #2 - Captain America and the Ageless Orientals Who Wouldn't Die!! #3 - The Return of the Red Skull #4 - Captain America and the Unholy Legion #5 - Captain America and the Ringmaster of Death #6 - Captain America Battles The Camera Fiend and His Darts of Doom #7 - The Red Skull: an Ear for Music #8 - The Strange Mystery of the Ruby of the Nile #9 - The White Death #10 - Spy Ambush #11 - The Case of the Squad of Mystery #12 - The Terrible Menace of the Pygmies of Terror! #13 - The League of the Unicorn! #14 - The Horde of the Vulture! #15 - The Tunnel of Terror! #70 - Worlds At War (and other stories) #71 - Trapped By the Trickster (and other stories) #72 - Murder In the Mind (and other stories) #73 - The Outcast of Time (and other stories)
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