Captain Marvel (1968 series) #28 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
Rick Jones is at Avengers Mansion, concerned for his comatose girlfriend Lou-Ann who is under the influence of 1 of the Controller's discs. Iron Man wants to know what Thanos has to do with this, after he helped Drax the Destroyer against the villain in their 1st appearance in Iron Man #55. Rick thinks Captain Marvel can explain better. But his alter ego in the Negative Zone is currently seeing a vision of a strange being who talks to himself, calling himself Eon.
Rick swaps bodies with CM, and Mar-Vell explains how Thanos is seeking the Cosmic Cube. Black Panther goes to fetch a tape Iron Man made describing his encounter with Thanos and Drax the Destroyer. But a shadowy figure has invaded the Mansion, and knocks him out with 1 blow. Vision goes to see what's taking Panther so long, and is felled by a hunk of machinery. Scarlet Witch hears the blow and rushes to her lover's aid, and falls just as quickly. Captain America lasts longer but also succumbs to crushing blows. CM stays to protect Lou-Ann, as we hear Iron Man get defeated too.
Finally the invader comes out of the shadows, and we see that it is the Controller. As mentioned in #26 Controller has his discs on many important people, as part of Thanos' plan to rule Earth. And he siphons strength from them all, which is how he could defeat the Avengers.
Meanwhile on the Isle Dernieres Drax has confronted Thanos to stop him getting the Cosmic Cube. Thanos tries to drive Drax mad with the Time-Mind Sync-Warp. Cue several pages of Starlin psychedelia. Drax fights free but collapses at his foe's feet. Then Thanos takes possession of the Cube.
Back in Avengers Mansion Controller defeats Captain Marvel and slaps a disc on his neck, to make him his 1st super-slave. But Mar-Vell calls on his mental link with Rick Jones to overcome the slave disc. He rips it off and hits back at the Controller. Controller responds by bringing down a large chunk of the building on top of CM.
Controller takes Lou-Ann and leaves. But what he doesn't know is that as the roof fell in Eon whisked Mar-Vell away. It is Rick who is trapped in a gap under the rubble. And clanging his wrist-bands together doesn't bring CM back.
Somewhere else Captain Marvel confronts Eon, who continues to refer to himself as more than 1 person. And they say they have brought Mar-Vell here to give him the power to oppose Thanos.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Eon, Lou-Ann Savannah.