Captain Marvel (1968 series) #30 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
Captain Marvel has returned to Avengers Mansion after being given Cosmic Awareness last issue by Eon. Rick Jones now urges him to save his girlfriend Lou-Ann from the Controller. While Lou-Ann was here in #27-28 Iron Man measured the frequency of the command beam to the control disc on her neck. Combining his skills (as inventor Tony Stark) with CM's advanced Kree knowledge they have built a tracer.
Iron Man now leaves for Marvel Feature #12 to investigate the desert base where he 1st met Thanos in IM#55. Mar-Vell is going to wait for daytime, when his photonic powers will be stronger, before going after Controller.
Meanwhile he and Rick swap places, and Jarvis takes Rick to see a visitor, the would-be manager of his singing career Mordecai P. Boggs. If Rick survives the weekend, he'll meet Boggs on Monday.
The Controller has gathered his thousands of disc-slaves in his base. Not because their nearness gives him extra power, just to exult in his control. Thanos contacts him and is not pleased at the risk of exposing their pawns. He warns Controller that Marvel will be coming for him.
Next day Captain Marvel flies through the air with a new sparkly contrail. He tracks Controller to his lair, and easily KO's some guards. Then, rather than fight Controller he tries to talk him out of serving Thanos. This is part of Mar-Vell's transformation from warrior to Protector of the Universe last issue. He reminds Basil Sandhurst what happened to previous lackeys of Thanos when he had no more use for them :- Super-Skrull in #27 and another Skrull, Skragg, in #26. But Controller can't be swayed, so CM uses a judo-like move on the attacking villain to send him crashing out of the building.
CM now finds Lou-Ann, still under the villain's control. But Controller returns to the fight. And in true super-villain tradition explains the masterplan. Thanos broke him out of the asylum he was in in IM#28 and upgraded his power so that he could control many VIPs. Thanos planned to attack Earth with his spacefleet, and Controller's slaves would sabotage Earth's defences. Then Thanos would use Earth as a base to conquer the galaxy with the Cosmic Cube he acquired in #28. And he would leave Sandhurst to rule the Earth.
What follows is a long fight between the 2. CM leads Controller away from his base, so that the battle doesn't endanger Lou-Ann or the other disc-slaves. Instead they lay waste to a presumably abandoned building. Mar-Vell is outmatched by Controller's strength. But he uses his Kree fighting skills to gain the upper hand, and his new Cosmic Awareness to know exactly where and when to strike.
Finally Thanos interrupts the battle from afar, when he senses that Mar-Vell is about to win. He appears to banish Controller from reality. The mastermind tells CM he'll let him live for a while, in order to understand what has changed in the hero.
Finally CM brings Rick back for a loving reunion with Lou-Ann. Like all the others she is no longer enslaved because the discs have fallen from their necks.
Some time later Drax the Destroyer appears at the door of Avengers Mansion asking Jarvis for Iron Man or Captain Marvel.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Lou-Ann Savannah, Mordecai P. Boggs.