The Sub-Mariner, trapped in the mystic barrier (previous issue), witnessed the Silver Surfer conversing with Necrodamus before he blacked out. Angry, the Atlantean asks Doctor Strange to aid him find the Silver Surfer.
Namor succeeds and unleashes his anger on the former Galactus herald! The Surfer, confused, flies away and mentions a valley. Doctor Strange believes such a place is in the Himalayas. The duet asks the Hulk to come with them.
They find a group of suspicious ape men and the Silver Surfer shows up defending them. Namor reveals his anger to the Surfer. But he doesn’t remember having been with Necrodamus. Thus, the ape men turn into their real selves: Calizuma and his warrior wizards. The Nameless One and Necrodamus had been controlling the Surfer’s mind through the ape men. The Defenders attack the villains. Calizuma is the hardest to conquer, but he falls at last.
When the battle is over, the Silver Surfer regrets being trapped in Earth. Doctor Strange offers his help so the Surfer can return to his home world.