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Defenders, The (1972 series) #121

J. M. DeMatteis | Don Perlin

Defenders, The (1972 series) #121 cover

Story Name:



Defenders, The (1972 series) #121 synopsis by Peter Silvestro
Rating: 4 stars

In the borrowed Quinjet, the Defenders (Hellcat, Valkyrie, Beast, Gargoyle, Over-Mind) are heading toward the Massachusetts monastery where Daimon Hellstrom, Son of Satan, is in trouble. As they reach the monastery grounds a giant statue of a monk suddenly rises before them. Beast swerves to avoid it but another and then another rise before them no matter which way they turn; the craft bounces off two of them and careens into a crash landing in the snow. Then an ice dragon arises from the ground to challenge them; Hank and Patsy distract it while Gargoyle attempts to drain its life force—but it isn’t alive so there is nothing to drain. Val slashes at its legs with Dragonfang, toppling it onto Over-Mind who emits a psychic blast, destroying the dead monster and terrifying his (non-)teammates. Val swings her sword to protect the others from a rain of ice bits and Gargoyle is thrilled that he is stronger than he thought as fighting the monster didn’t injure him. Beast scolds everyone for not acting like a team; Val interrupts to remind him they have been doing well so far and if they really need a leader, she should be the one. Over-Mind interrupts her to direct them to the monastery, their apparent goal. The door opens for them and they enter…

…to be greeted by the Miracle Man, in a room full of hypnotized monks. Some of the Defenders recognize their foe from tales told by the Fantastic Four. They ask about Daimon Hellstrom and he leads them to a stone statue; a snap of the fingers and Daimon is returned to normal. MM explains how the return of his mind and his powers unbalanced him briefly but now he is in possession of his senses one again and intends to liberate Earth. With a wave of his arms, he transports them all to Java in Indonesia. He explains he will become a god and end poverty, hunger, and war, transforming the world into a paradise. Daimon points out that MM has the symbol of the Darksoul, stolen from the Son of Satan, on his chest but MM insists he is able to control it and draw on its power. In a cluster of poverty-stricken villages called Ranngkasbitung, he turns the place into a comfortable city. The Defenders debate whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, a man playing god but to help the unfortunate. Miracle Man then claps his hands to create a palace, where he begins healing the sick and disabled. But an aged blind man tells him that he has accepted the fate the gods have bestowed on him and declines healing. Miracle Man flies into a rage, crippling the man and forcing him to beg for healing. At this, the Defenders realize Miracle Man is insane and/or corrupted by the Darksoul and must be stopped. Over-Mind tries to shut down MM’s mind but the baddie absorbs the psychic blast and fires it right back, laying out Over-Mind. Val draws Dragonfang and goes for him; MM conjures a multitude of sword out of the air and sets them to attack her. Beast, Hellcat, and Gargoyle attack MM together and it appears to be successful…until he shows Isaac his partners, drained of their life-force by his attacks, fooled by an illusion placed in his mind. Issac gets mad and starts punching MM in the face; he retaliates by turning Isaac into a stone gargoyle on the palace. As the city begins to crumble from the force of the Darksoul, Daimon calls to it and tells it that an ordinary human cannot withstand the power of the Darksoul and promises that if it return to him (Daimon), he will never again try to deny it. As the Darksoul emerges from Miracle Man’s body, Hellcat and Over-Mind marshal their psychic powers and force the Darksoul into the body of a nearby snake on the ground. With a flash, they are returned to the monastery, all the effects of the Miracle Man’s powers wiped away, Brother Joshua’s mind collapsing in on itself….

Good (or All)
Plus: Miracle Man (Joshua Ayers).

> Defenders, The (1972 series) comic book info and issue index

Defenders, The (1972 series) #121 cover

Excelsioring your collection:
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Main/1st Story Full Credits

Don Perlin
Don Perlin (Cover Penciler)
Andy Mushynsky (Cover Inker)
George Roussos (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Shelly Leferman.

Review / Commentaries

Defenders, The (1972 series) #121 Review by (December 24, 2024)

Review: The Miracle Man uses the force of evil to do good—for while at least. This tale would be nice fodder for a school discussion on ethics, as the Defenders themselves realize. The debate resolves itself easily as the bad guy goes really bad, removing the need to actually address the moral dilemma. Some cool action sequences serve to distract us from the debate.

Comments: Part two of two parts. Patsy Walker’s psychic potential was discovered when she visited Titan in AVENGERS #150-151. Miracle Man returns in THING #24. Ranngkasbitung is a real place in Java. Don Perlin contributed to the plot. Jack Abel, Alan Kupperberg, and Andy Mushynsky shared inking duties. The letters page includes one by future comics creator Al Schroeder III.


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