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Defenders #93

Mar 1981
J. M. DeMatteis, Joe Sinnott

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Story Name:

The Woman Behind the Man!


Defenders #93 synopsis by Peter Silvestro
Rating: 4 stars

After the events of the previous issue, Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner relaxes by playing with some dolphins, when he is summoned by Lady Dorma, his long dead love….

Meanwhile the other Defenders (Valkyrie, Bruce Banner, Son of Satan, Nighthawk) are likewise relaxing at Doctor Strange’s home, when Kyle suddenly collapses; the belief that his friend is dead triggers Bruce’s transformation into the Hulk….

Back in Atlantis, Dorma, who claims that a clone created by the villain Llyra was killed in her place all those years ago, has persuaded Namor and his people to conquer the world and any dissent is immediately punished….

In New York, Dr. Strange has diagnosed Kyle’s problem: the spirit-bond the Defenders created to keep him alive back in issue #14 has been broken, and, while he will live, Kyle will be paralyzed….

Interlude: At home, Patsy Walker struggles with her mixed feelings about her late mother and then the darkness descends on her….

Wong interrupts with news reports come in that Namor and his forces have invaded and captured London, so the Defenders go out to talk sense to their friend. The heroes engage in battle and are vanquishing the invaders until Namor’s Sonic Scrambler blasts them into unconsciousness. They awaken in custody, where Dorma taunts the fallen heroes and Valkyrie lashes out at her; the ensuing fight causes Dorma’s disguise to drop, revealing her to be Nebulon the Celestial Man. Namor frees the other Defenders and they confront the villain who assumes his true monstrous appearance. Namor flings Nebulon into the air where he is seized by a beam from a ship sent by his own people to take him back to the homeworld for punishment. As he is drawn away, Nebulon once more tries to ensnare Namor by taking on Dorma’s form, but Namor’s reaction this time is anger—and sorrow.


Review / Commentaries

Defenders #93 Review by (June 11, 2024)

Review: Odd. New writer J.M. DeMatteis has some big visions for this series as here for the second time in a row he presents a huge tale of cosmic beings and complicated scenarios and he fits it in one regular-sized issue. But here we are, with the intriguing plot of the hero’s dead love mysteriously returning—of course we know it’s a bad guy in disguise but that still doesn’t tell us who or why. And there’s a lot of epic battle scenes, with some teasing of big plot developments for Kyle and Patsy. On the downside, the art is merely workmanlike, nothing special or creative, but about to hit a crisis with multiple artists working starting next issue.  

Comments: Lady Dorma died in SUB-MARINER #37. Nebulon was introduced in issue #13-14, then returned in issues #33-40 and ANNUAL #1. Hellcat is seen on the cover battling alongside her teammates but in the issue, she only appears out of costume in a separate interlude to set up a future storyline. It isn’t made clear why the Sonic Scrambler, which appears to have no focusing ability, affects the Defenders and none of the Atlanteans nearby. Inking done by Joe Sinnott “and Friends,” Al Milgrom, Frank Giacoia, and Mike Esposito.  

> Defenders comic book info and issue index

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(The Boy Wonder)

Joe Sinnott
Joe Sinnott
George Roussos
Ron Wilson (Cover Penciler)
Al Milgrom (Cover Inker)
George Roussos (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Layouts: Don Perlin. Letterer: Diana Albers.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.

Bruce Banner
Bruce Banner

(Robert Bruce Banner)
Doctor Strange
Doctor Strange

(Stephen Strange)

(Robert Bruce Banner)

(Kyle Richmond)
Son of Satan
Son of Satan

(Daimon Hellstrom)

(Namor McKenzie)


Plus: Nebulon (The Celestial Man), Patsy Walker.