Gangster Harry Gavino is playing golf with friends when he
gets a call about the murdered drug dealer and the theft of the cocaine by
Whitie and Sid. He orders his minion to call in the Shredder….
Bruce Banner wakes up in the river near the crashed plane. He
sees no one else around and a few minutes later the plane explodes….
Not far away, Whitie and Sid are holding Margie White and the
gravely ill Kyle Hatcher; They consider killing Margie and Kyle but she knows
her way out of the woods and they don’t and she refuses to cooperate if Kyle is
harmed. The baddies call their contact at Lake Vague to tell him they will be a
little late and demand that Margie lead them there….
Shredder is summoned, a weirdo with a grotesquely enlarged
right arm with outsized claws at the end; he finishes up something gruesome he
was doing and sets out for the Mountains….
Bruce Banner dresses himself in clothes found in luggage (presumably
one of the bad guys’ as Kyle seems too small and the passenger whose luggage
Bruce stole was a much fatter man) and looks up to discover a mountain lion
about to pounce on him—then suddenly, Wolverine arrives on his motorcycle,
knocking the lion out of the air. He then chases the lion off and sees to
Banner; Logan had seen the smoke from the downed plane and raced over. An angry
Bruce punches out Logan allowing him to calm down; Bruce fills him in on the
The bad guys tell Margie to lead them to Lake Vague, not
Mistassini, the original destination as the city has a bigger hospital but also
a larger police force….
At home Kyle’s panicked mother screams at the maid who moved
around Kyle’s snakes, leading to a dangerous bite; her husband, Kyle’s
stepfather, comforts her with the knowledge that there are more than two hours
left for the boy to get the life-saving treatment….
At Logan’s cabin, Bruce tries to jury-rig Logan’s viper
anti-venom into something that would work on a bite from a coral snake.
Wolverine knows by the smell that the crooks are carrying cocaine and assumes
they will be heading to Lake Vague….
Shredder reaches the crooks’ contact in his cabin; he demands
to know where they bad guys were calling him from. The fellow answers as best
he can and Shredder kills him….
The baddies discover an elderly couple with a camper; they
take the camper and leave the old couple behind. Shredder, who knows Logan is
on his trail, comes across the old couple and, learning that the two crooks
have taken their RV, he kills them….
Margie injects Whitie with a drug while he is driving and the
RV runs off the road….
Bruce and Logan come across the dead couple and Logan
recognizes his enemy by his smell and his work….
And there is less than an hour and a half to Kyle’s