Iron Man (1968 series) #116 synopsis by
T Vernon
The Ani-Men overwhelm Tony Stark while Count Nefaria explains how he escaped from Avengers Mansion during their fight with Arsenal (issue #114), enlisted the beastly quartet, and forced his daughter Madame Masque to aid him. Across the street, the mystery assassin, here revealed to be Spymaster, activates a bomb previously planted. Tony manages to reach his briefcase and suit up as Iron Man in front of the villains—after that he makes short work of the Ani-Men. But Ape-Man hurls Shellhead off the balcony just as the bomb goes off. His jet-boots damaged in the fall, a worried Iron Man races up the stairs in search of his traitorous love but can’t find her. A guard saw Masque taking her father out of the building before the blast went off so Tony dashes to the Stark lab (the only place nearby with the technology to help Nefaria) only to be attacked by his LMD who is a match for him in speed and strength; IM electrocutes his duplicate and moves on to the lab. There he tells Whitney that her father will be rejuvenated at Avengers Mansion where the heroes can keep an eye on the process. Whitney objects and uses his Jupiter Landing Vehicle to fight him. Iron Man smashes his giant toy into pieces—and then discovers that in the brawl, Nefaria’s life support machinery was also destroyed. Seeing as her lover has killed her father, Madame Masque tells Tony she is going away for a long time to sort out her feelings….
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Tony Stark LMD.
EnemiesPlus: Ani-Men, Spymaster (
Spymaster 1).