Iron Man (1968 series) #115 synopsis by
T Vernon
The Avengers help Iron Man transport the life-support canister containing the dying Unicorn back to the Stark plant. Shellhead brusquely orders them to keep searching for the missing Arsenal and moves the canister into the lab. As Tony hooks up the Unicorn he mentally reviews his foe’s career and ponders who his unseen controller could be. Tony deactivates the Tony Stark LMD which had been standing in for him and heads home….
Interludes: The mystery spy sees his opportunity to assassinate Tony Stark and follows after him while the Unicorn’s controller throws a fit when he learns his pawn is out of the game.
Tony rides up to his penthouse where he is surprised by the Ani-Men—Ape-Man, Bird-Man, Frog-Man, and Cat-Man—who throw him around. Just as he starts to fight back, he is felled by a blow to the back of the neck—he has been betrayed by his lover Madame Masque, who wants him to restore her now-aged father Count Nefaria to his youth….
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Tony Stark LMD.
EnemiesPlus: Ani-Men, Spymaster (
Spymaster 1).