Iron Man (1968 series) #124 synopsis by
T Vernon
In an Atlantic City casino, Iron Man is caught between Blizzard and Whiplash; Bethany Cabe steps in to save Shellhead with a well-placed gunshot but she ends up being iced by Blizzard. Recovering quickly, Iron Man takes out the Melter and Blizzard while Bethany clobbers the fleeing Whiplash. She chews out Shellhead for failing to protect his boss and the hero dashes off so he can return as Tony Stark. Bethany suggests to Tony they rent a room to relax….
Returning to Stark Industries, Bethany mentions that she has been hired as bodyguard for Carnelian Ambassador Kotznin; the Ambassador has also requested that Iron Man be present. After signing the authorization forms, Tony starts drinking again, looks into the SHIELD attempt to take over his company (issue #119), and goes to work at his drawing board. Unable to concentrate, he goes out for a spin as Iron Man; he ends up rescuing a van full of kids which has broken down on the freeway and earns the admiration of driver Pam Sayer….
Later Iron Man arrives at the meeting at the United Nations where Ambassador Kotznin is going to announce an international deal with Stark Industries, which will lead to a stronger relationship between Carnelia and the USA. As they pose for photos before the singing ceremony, Justin Hammer orders his men to seize control of the hero’s armor...and they activate the repulsor ray to blast a hole through the Ambassador, killing him instantly. Everyone stands there stunned at this new development, Iron Man most of all….