Iron Man (2024 series) #6 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
Tony Stark's still wearing his makeshift Iron Man armour because his other suits are unusable. He's regained control of Stark Unlimited and was intending to take it back out of weapons production. But then Dr Doom took over the world.
Our story begins in Dagestan, a province of Russia which of course is now, like everywhere else, part of United Latveria. A man kneels in the snow, bound with a bag over his head in front of a camera on a tripod. A car drives up and armed guards let it through. Stark gets out and is greeted by a man who claims to represent Free Latveria and the Latverian Patriotic Front. They've met to discuss the overthrow of Victor Von Doom. The commander asks if Stark's brought an Iron Man armour in his briefcase but Stark tells him he's never going to give him that. Instead he gives him the login details to a 'bottomless' cryptocurrency account to finance his army. The man's not impressed.
He takes Stark outside to the hooded man. On the way he comments that he's adopted the name Hunyadi in memory of the 15th Century Hungarian hero John Hunyadi who would have driven off the Ottoman Turks if not for the weakness of his ally, the young Polish King Wladyslaw. He says he doesn't need money he needs allies who will stand firm beside him. He takes the hood off the man and introduces him as Vishte Taru, who was a member of the LPF until he 'cultivated a forbidden power'. He wants Stark to prove his resolve by killing the traitor. Tony stalls for time by asking Hunyadi to come back inside and explain his plan before he'll kill someone for it.
A frontal assault on Latveria can't work but an uprising from within can. Doom has replaced the air force by Doombots but the army is still human. The officer corps, like Hunyadi, were purged. But the LPF has allies in command of the key artillery brigade outside Doomstadt and the 2 infantry divisions along the Klyne River. However they have no-one in the armoured branch. But they would succeed if the artillery had superior Stark missiles. Tony suggests the unlimited funds could buy them all the missiles they want, but Hunyadi insists that Stark missiles are the best.
Stark points out that he has fought and beaten Doom many times over the years and so knows what he's talking about. He's risked death by smuggling himself here, and he agrees that Doom *must* be overthrown. But he's not making missiles anymore. And even if he did how would Hunyadi get them inside the invulnerable dome that surrounds Latveria? The other replies that Stark would not be giving the missiles to the LPF, but selling them to Doom. Where of course the artillery can get at them. They will take control of the roads out of Doomstadt. The infantry will march upriver and lay siege to the city. The inhabitants of the City will rise up and welcome them as liberators. Hunyadi admits that Stark's gift of money may help to finance the siege.
But the discussion is interrupted by an explosion as the camp is attacked by members of the Russian Winter Guard (Red Widow leading Crimson Dynamo, Ursa Major and Vanguard). Crimson-armoured Dmitri Bukharin tries to grab the briefcase but Stark beats him to it and it unfolds into his current armour which has had some upgrades. And also it still has the giant 'Repulsword', a blast from which bowls the 3 males over. Red Widow dodges that and attacks but Iron Man demonstrates that now the repulsors in his gauntlets are working perfectly. Next up is the probably-drunk bear Ursa Major but IM takes him up into the air and drops him, and he lands on the camera smashing it.
Red Widow confronts Hunyadi and suggests that the American Stark will betray him, and suggests instead he accept the (secret) patronage of the Russian Federation. But she's hit by a blast from an energy rifle and somehow recognises the shooter as Black Widow. She redirects CD and Vanguard to kill her. Tony is surprised to see Natasha Romanoff who tells him she's got a waiting Quinjet. She hops a ride on his back as he flies away, and shoots Widow's Bites at the pursuing duo from her wristband. He dips down to pick up a fleeing Vishte Taru while telling BW to take his (miniaturised) sword which expands to full size at the flick of a wrist. And she shoots down their pursuers. Behind them RW advises Hunyadi to leave Russia, and warns him if he makes a deal with Stark Russia won't let him rule Latveria. They will never tolerate NATO influence on Latveria (where have I heard that kind of thing before?).
In the Quinjet Natasha is suspicious about Tony's willingness to support a terrorist group. She asks him if Vishte, a witness to his dealings, will be allowed to go free? To which he replies "Of course". She asks if he really believes the plan can succeed? And if it does what does he think will happen afterwards? She urges him to return to working with the Avengers. But he contends that their usual tactics won't work this time, and Doom is consolidating his rule every day. He dislikes the LPF but agrees with the purpose of their plan - for a Latverian uprising to show that he's still a tyrant not a saviour. Vishte agrees but Natasha says she's been involved in destabilising governments before and it's not pretty. She still thinks the Avengers are a better option.
Later Stark attends a Board Meeting of SU and tells them that they will be the sole weapons provider to Victor Von Doom.
EnemiesPlus: Crimson Dynamo (
Dmitri Bukharin), Red Widow, Winter Guard.