Story #2Orbital
Writer: Kieron Gillen. Penciler: Agustin Padilla. Inker: Scott Hanna. Colorist: Val Staples. Letterer: Joe Caramagna.
Tony Stark flies a shuttle to
High Quartermass, the space-station home of
Eli Warren and his
New Modernist Army. He sends brother
Arno in his mobile iron lung to communicate with Eli, warning him not to reveal his close connection to Tony. Warren hates Tony after their last 2 encounters.
Arno explains about the city
Troy Tony is creating on Earth, and its geostationary orbital platform above it. He asks Eli and his team to run the platform, promising them they can have it for their own uses when Troy is finished. He tries to counter Eli's anger and suspicion by telling him that they will be working for
him not Tony Stark.
Warren counters by suggesting that they just hold Arno for ransom. Arno gives him several reasons why that wouldn't be as good an idea as the deal he's been offered. And finishes by remarking that he has a large gun underneath his bed which can destroy the station.
Eli agrees to the deal. But adds a parting remark that if Stark wasn't keeping
Extremis to himself he could use it to repair Arno's body. Arno deliberately doesn't mention this to Tony later.
Story #3By moonlight
Writer: Kieron Gillen. Penciler: Marcos Marz. Inker: Marcos Marz. Colorist: Esther Sanz. Letterer: Joe Caramagna.
This story charts the growth of the relationship between
Pepper Potts and
Marc Kumar.
9 months ago Pepper is at a conference when Marc rescues her from the attentions of a drunk attendee. She asks him out for a meal.
8 months ago they're having dinner. Marc is a freelance PR man. He says that words can change the world, but claims he wants to change the world for the better.
3 months ago Marc asks her to marry him, at the same time as Pepper asks him to do the PR for her company.