Story #2’Death’ Comes to Thor!
Stan Lee.Penciler:
Jack Kirby. Inker:
Chic Stone. Colorist:
Thor quests to find the
Three Fates to learn if he shall ever be awarded
Odin’s magic hammer. The Fates tell him he will—but he must meet
Death first. Rather than accepting his doom, Thor determines to wield the hammer. He returns to Odin’s palace and tries lifting the hammer once again…but
Balder, staggering from wounds, enters to tell him his sister
Sif has been carried off by the
Storm Giants. Without thinking, Thor raises the hammer over his head and rides out to rescue the warrior maiden. Arriving at the Giants’ lair, he destroys the road to it, burying the guards, and enters to confront
Rugga the Storm Giant king. Rugga explains that
Hela, Goddess of Death, promised him immortality if he would deliver Sif to her. Thor forces the giant king to direct him to Hela’s realm and soon he is face-to-face with the Goddess of Death. He offers himself in Sif’s place and Hela is so moved by the noble sacrifice that she grants Sif her freedom. And it is not until days later that Thor realizes he now possesses the
Uru hammer.