Story #2When Heimdall Failed!
Stan Lee.Penciler:
Jack Kirby. Inker:
George Roussos. Colorist:
Brimer, King of the Storm Giants, wants to invade
Asgard but knows there is no way his forces can sneak past
Heimdall, guardian of the
Rainbow Bridge.
Queen Nedra has an idea: she dispatches a tiny air spirit called a
Vanna to spy out Asgard. The small and quick spirit zips past Heimdall as he stands at his post; the guardian senses something but sees nothing, confusing him. The Vanna easily discovers all of Asgard’s defenses and military capabilities without anyone suspecting it is there. In the royal chamber, however,
Odin receives word from Heimdall that he suspects great danger. Odin exerts his powers and detects the sprite in the room and commands it to appear, allowing Odin to capture it. He summons Heimdall who confesses that he failed and is not worthy to be the guardian. Instead Odin commends him in that he sensed the evil Vanna even though he did not see it, and risked ridicule in reporting his suspicions to Odin. He returns to his post to serve faithfully.