The shadowy government agency Aladdin sent 3 Bio-Con Rune-based vampires after Gemini. Last issue they caught up with him as a golden Ultrahero in his Noel persona and siphoned off much of his power.
Now they're draining his blood as well when a new order from the AI GENIE that runs Aladdin tells them not to kill him but bring him to the Colorado base. But at the same time the sun sets allowing Erik to take over the Gemini body and its golden skin splits to release his Rune-like form. He reckons his fully Rune DNA will trump the Bio-Cons' partial Rune DNA. And he's proved right as he kills 1 by sucking its energy. And the other 2 are convulsed by its pain.
Meanwhile Adam Warlock has entered the soul of gravely-injured Angelique Zane to help her heal. Inside she is running from her (sort-of naked like Silver Surfer) birdlike golden Ultra-powered id, appearing now giant-sized, which she wishes she'd never 'let out'. (The police officer used it to fight golden Noel in #5 because he'd taken rather extreme measures to deal with hostage-holding terrorists, and she was injured in the process.) She wants him to take the power away but he says it's part of her and she must come to terms with it else it will take control without her humanity to restrain it. So she allows her 2 forms to merge into a human female with wings (and a pet bird and a minimal costume). Adam leaves her soul and she wakes. Then he bids her farewell and sees a TV report of the 3 robots' fight with golden Noel (but not Erik).
We see Erik kill another robot vampire and break the back of the 3rd before sucking its blood-analogue and then tearing off its head as a souvenir. He leaves the bodies as an Aladdin helicopter arrives, and returns to the abandoned church they call home. He tells Noel (and us) that he's got his power back from the 'bots. Then he spins a gooey cocoon out of which golden Noel emerges. But this Noel's lack of human conscience has gotten worse. He says he's tired of being treated like a villain when he tries to do 'good'. He teleports to the centre of Los Angeles and hovers in midair and announces that he's come to pass judgement. Unless they renounce their 'barbarism' he'll destroy a city each day, starting with this 1.
But Warlock joins him in midair saying he can't allow him to do that. And declares that he thinks they are brothers.
To be concluded in Ultraverse Unlimited #1.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Angelique Zane, Gemini.