As Nick Fury sits drinking in a bar, a meeting of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (United States, United Kingdom, Russia, China, France) is held in strict secrecy. The purpose of the meeting is to inquire into the invasion of China by members of the private security organization (i.e. mercenary team) HC PMC. On the hot seat are the company’s two officials, Dum Dum Dugan and Jasper Sitwell. They are question as to the identity of their current client; the two decline to reveal the information but everyone knows that they were working for Nick Fury, former head of SHIELD. In response to a question, they mention that they last saw Fury two weeks ago at a reunion of the Howling Commandos. All surviving members were there, including Senator Robert Ralston with his grandson, an Army Ranger, and the most impressive guest, Steve Rogers, a/k/a Captain America. Fury toasted his old comrades and they shared stories of past glory, especially as led by Cap…. The Council raises the current issue: that HC invaded China and destroyed a Hydra Base (a flashback reveals that it was the Secret Warriors Black Team, led by Alexander Pierce accompanied by several of the Howling Commandos). Dugan and Sitwell are asked whether they consider certain men to be more important than their governments. Thinking back to Cap during the war, Dugan answers with a yes and defends his actions, destroying a Hydra base that China was too weak or too corrupt to deal with it themselves. The Council then asks if this was an isolated incident or if the members of the company are going to continue with this course of action. Dugan replies, "That’s going to be pretty difficult…seeing how most of them are dead."
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Alexander Pierce, Howling Commandos, Reb Ralston (
Robert Ralston), Secret Warriors.
Hordes of HYDRA.