Comic Browser: #1 - The Origin of the Silver Surfer #2 - When Lands the Saucer! #3 - The Power and the Prize! #4 - The Good, the Bad, and the Uncanny! #5 - -- And Who Shall Mourn For him? #6 - The Unsuspecting #7 - The Heir of Frankenstein #8 - Now Strikes the Ghost! #9 - -- To Steal the Surfer's Soul! #10 - A World He Never Made! #11 - O, Bitter Victory! #12 - Gather, Ye Witches! #13 - The Dawn of the Doomsday Man! #14 - The Surfer and the Spider! #15 - The Flame and the Fury! #16 - In The Hands of... Mephisto! #17 - The Surfer Must Kill! #18 - To Smash the Inhumans!
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> Silver Surfer comic book info and issue index