Story #2Escape... To Nowhere!
Stan Lee.Penciler:
Gene Colan. Inker:
Vince Colletta. Colorist:
Unknown. Letterer:
Art Simek.
Trapped in the Cave of Shadows, Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner is under attack by a killer squid. He hurls the shell with Neptune’s mark at the monster, severing its tentacles. King Neptune appears to him, directing him next to the Forbidden Deeps. Namor turns into a human drill and bores a hole through the sealed cave. Outside, he encounters a ship of Krang’s soil-movers; they fire upon him with their machine but Namor flips the ship over and moves on….
Back in Atlantis, Warlord Krang is disappointed in Namor’s escape. Lady Dorma rejoices but the villain assures her soon Namor will die and she will be his queen….
As he continues his journey, Namor is met by Vashti, an elder of the Atlanteans, who reassures him that he is supported by the people….
As Dorma weeps upon her bed, Krang’s men collect taxes from the people, executing any who rebel on the spot….
As Krang watches, Namor comes face-to-face with a giant man made of seaweed, ruler of the Hidden Deeps. They battle but the Seaweed Man is a formidable foe, laying his hand on Namor and pressing him into the ground….