Namor is set to battle Attuma over the Atlantean throne when Yandroth’s curse, bringing the Defenders together when Earth is threatened, plucks him from the battle. At the same time Gray Hulk (Joe Fixit) is speaking with Doc Samson in a pool hall and is plucked along with Doctor Strange who is conversing with Hellcat about the curse. The three are joined by the Silver Surfer, and are deposited in northern Canada. The Hulk and Namor begin to agitate one another and fight. Hellcat goes to see Nighthawk who is training. He tells her of a new mystic he uses named Papa Hagg, and has also located the missing Valkyrie. She was found homeless and amnesiac and does not recognize anyone. Nighthawk and Papa Hagg are working to remove her current amnesia. The core Defenders continue to fight and are disturbed by an old man who fires off a shot. A monster emerges from the ice followed by Pluto, Lord of the Underworld.
Hellcat, Nighthawk, amnesiac Valkyrie and Papa Hagg, locate the Defenders using a mystical orb and see the Defenders fight on against Pluto. Pluto brags about aid they do not suspect. The Defenders are suddenly blasted from behind, the Valkyrie stands revealed, while Nighthawk, Hellcat, Amnesiac Valkyrie, and Papa Hagg look on via mystical orb.
Plus: Papa Hagg, Valkyrie (
Samantha Parrington).
EnemiesAdditional Enemies: Yandroth.