Comic Browser:


The Uncanny X-Men #147

Jul 1981
Chris Claremont, Dave Cockrum

Story Name:

Rogue Storm!


The Uncanny X-Men #147 synopsis by Anthony Silvestro
Rating: 4 stars

After teleporting out of Doom’s trap for him, Nightcrawler reappears two miles above the castle, in the middle of the raging storm. Nightcrawler regains consciousness and skydives through the squall until he finds an updraft. With enough of his velocity sufficiently bled off, he teleports once again right above the water, making for a somewhat gentler landing. Kurt swims to shore and reflects on how they all got into this situation, determined to make it back to the castle to rescue his friends. Meanwhile, Doctor Doom alerts his men of Nightcrawler’s escape, and orders them to retrieve him unharmed. The raging storm outside only gets worse, attracting the attention of NORAD, North America’s air defense, as they question what to do if the storm rages any more out of control.

Lightning flashes across one of the high castle barracks, and two guards discuss the oddity of the storm. One suddenly spots Nightcrawler in the window, and they open fire, as Nightcrawler teleports behind them to quickly take them out. With the coast clear, Kurt sneaks in to rescue his friends. Meanwhile, Colossus continues to struggle, as the whirlpool keeps eroding more and more of the rock he clings to. He tests a theory by throwing down a rock the size of his armored form, which gets blasted by the energy weapons. He then tries the same with a smaller rock the size of his human form and it is left alone. He realizes that he’ll be safe from the weapons in his smaller unarmored form and jumps down into the water. He swims past the energy weapons until he reaches the wall below them and armors up once more to punch through the wall. In his own trap, Angel notices that the lasers threatening him fire in a pattern, and he weaves in and out of the pattern, making it out of the room just in time to be bombarded by the rush of water from Colossus’ room.

Wolverine floats in his trap, remembering a time that he nearly killed James and Heather Hudson. His berserker rages were getting out of control, but James tried to convince Logan that he’s more than an animal. Wolverine realizes that the same has been true lately, his control has been slipping and that he feels like he’s been a danger to the team. Wolverine decides to turn that to his advantage, giving into his rage, driving him on a more instinctual level so as to ignore the distractions of the room. He slashes at the walls as he bounces off of them, eventually damaging enough to shut down the room entirely. Wolverine tears through the wall and heads for Doom, easily clawing through the fake Storm robot in his way. As Wolverine contends with Doom, Nightcrawler teleports behind Doom and drops a large tapestry over him. This allows Wolverine to get the upper hand, with his claws pointed right at Doom’s faceplate, ready to plunge them in if Doom doesn’t free Storm.

Doom gives them a small orb that reverses the transmutation process, freeing Storm. However, she awakens angrier than she’s ever been, completely lost to her primal fury and surge of power. The gale outside continues to rage and Storm unleashes her power and fury at Doom. Wolverine and Nightcrawler realize they need to stop Storm, as her current situation feels all too similar to Phoenix. Colossus arrives and collapses the floor underneath everyone while he attempts to talk Storm back to her senses. Colossus finally succeeds in reminding Storm of her humanity, reminding her of Jean and how she had lost hers for a time. Storm flies out of the castle, reshaping and calming the raging thunderstorm outside, as her own emotions have now calmed as well. She’s caught by Angel and reunited with the other X-Men. They make Arcade apologize to Doom and promise him that he’ll have no more trouble from the eccentric assassin. Doom and the X-Men then part on neutral terms, as elsewhere, on the mysterious island they found themselves on, Scott Summers and Lee Forrester suddenly notice a magnificent city on an island nearby, that definitely wasn’t there yesterday! To be continued!


Review / Commentaries

The Uncanny X-Men #147 Review by (October 16, 2024)

Review: The X-Men escape their traps and have a showdown with Doom, where Storm has her own Phoenix moment! Each X-Man escapes their trap, with varying degrees of cleverness. I’ve always thought that Nightcrawler’s trap and solution were by far the most clever. Trapped in a featureless room with no idea how far he is from anything, his solution is to teleport his maximum distance, two miles straight up! It’s a clever, if risky, gambit, showcasing Nightcrawler’s fortitude and intelligence. Colossus’ solution has a bit of an inconsistency (kind of). He realizes that the energy weapons lining the bottom of his trap will shoot at his armored form but not his smaller human form, and escapes by swimming past them in his human form. Now, while this issue, and plenty of the official Marvel Handbooks and such, say that Colossus is larger in his armored form, he’s not often drawn that way, including here, leading the solution to seem a little odd at face value.

When everyone escapes their traps, Wolverine and Nightcrawler have a showdown with Doom, in which Doom is defeated surprisingly easily. I would like to note here though how much better Dave Cockrum has gotten at drawing Wolverine. Early on, his Wolverine often looked a little odd, but here he looks appropriately cool and menacing, almost exactly as John Byrne drew him. It’s honestly some of Cockrum’s best art, everyone looks great. When Storm is freed, as mentioned she has a bit of a Phoenix moment, with her powers and emotions out of control, having to be talked down by Colossus. It’s a nice reversal of the last time they encountered Arcade, where Storm was able to talk Colossus out of his funk. I mentioned a couple of issues ago the weirdness of Doom even bothering to work with Arcade, as well as a couple other oddities throughout these few issues. Well John Byrne took issue with some of these things and when he was writing Fantastic Four, officially decided that Doom’s appearances here were actually a Doombot. It lends credence to the idea that Doom was beaten so easily (as well as why he'd let Arcade strike a match on his armor last issue). The standard excuse for a Doom story that a future writer doesn’t like strikes again!

Comments: Colossus is established as not needing to breathe when in his armored form.

> The Uncanny X-Men comic book info and issue index


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DIAMOND SELECT TOYS Marvel Premier Collection: Cyclops Statue, Multicolor 11 inches
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Dave Cockrum
Joe Rubinstein
Glynis Wein
Dave Cockrum (Cover Penciler)
Joe Rubinstein (Cover Inker)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Tom Orzechowski.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.


(Warren Worthington III)

(Piotr Rasputin)

(Scott Summers)
Doctor Doom
Doctor Doom

(Victor Von Doom)

(Kurt Wagner)

(Ororo Munroe)

(James Howlett)

Plus: Heather Hudson (Heather McNeil), Lee Forrester, Vindicator (James Hudson).