Comic Browser:


The Uncanny X-Men #149

Sep 1981
Chris Claremont, Dave Cockrum

Story Name:

And the Dead Shall Bury the Living!


The Uncanny X-Men #149 synopsis by Anthony Silvestro
Rating: 4 stars

As the X-Men work to repair the Danger Room, Charles Xavier ponders Magneto, the X-Men’s greatest foe. Xavier has the feeling that Magneto may be up to something and reflects on their history and differing views.  Despite that, Xavier realizes that the two of them are alike in more ways than he’d like to admit. Just then, Kitty Pryde comes whizzing through the wall, sporting a garish costume she made for herself. Kitty’s entrance through the wall shorted out the computers, causing Xavier to lose all of the data he was poring through. Xavier angrily chases Kitty out and she drops through the floor into the Danger Room below. Storm notices that Kitty seems down and decides to try and cheer her up. She whips Kitty into a wind, allowing the other X-Men to toss her from one to the next, lifting her spirits and providing them with a workout at the same time.

Just then, Professor Xavier mentally appears with a mission for the X-Men. They then make their way to Magneto’s old volcanic base in Antarctica where they last fought him. Storm ponders what they’ll do if they actually find Magneto. Wolverine then finds Kitty in one of the Blackbird’s storage lockers, having stowed away in order to join the mission. Storm isn’t happy with Kitty but given that they are almost at their destination, decides that they’ll just have to keep an eye on her while they search the base. They make their way down the hole that Phoenix blasted to the surface all the way back in UXM #113, and Colossus smashes through the wall, where they find the base only partially covered in cooled lava, with some machinery and areas cleared out, indicating someone has been here since their battle. The X-Men decide to split up to search the base more quickly and thoroughly.

While searching, Storm suddenly hears a voice that she thinks belongs to Garokk, remembering how she failed to save him way back in UXM #116. She checks in with Wolverine who states that he hasn’t detected anything there besides them. Meanwhile, Colossus and Kitty reach a dead end, finding only a wall, where Colossus can feel the lava from the volcano just on the other side. Suddenly, Colossus is hit from behind by Garokk, very much alive and much larger than last time, half covered in melted lava. He reveals that he was rescued by Magneto and set to guard this hideout from intruders. Kitty dives through him, noting that it hurt him, and Garokk punches the wall, causing the lava to flow through the base once more! A panicked Kitty calls out for Storm who immediately whips up a freezing wind to combat the lava and ends up freezing the entire base! Storm is then stunned by a frozen Colossus, having been thrown down the length of the tunnel.

They’re soon found by Nightcrawler and Wolverine, who combat Garokk when he reappears, with little success. Meanwhile, Kitty is revealed to have survived by phasing the instant the lava started flowing, phasing back into the cavern, determined to help however she can. She finds the others just as Garokk is about to throw Storm down into a hole he blasted, so that she can experience the fate she left him to. Wolverine throws Kitty so she can phase through Garokk while Nightcrawler tries to get Storm from his grasp. However, Garokk jumps down into the hole with Storm! Kitty heads down, finding Storm precariously on a rock, when suddenly Garokk attacks again. Kitty phases once more and Garokk once again is sent plummeting to his apparent death. Nightcrawler teleports Storm back to safety and the X-Men head back home, having confirmed that Magneto does have something planned. Speaking of, Cyclops and Lee Forrester are given new clothes in the mysterious city, and Magneto reveals that he knows his guest is Cyclops and that as long as he is here, his optic blasts will not work, leaving him completely at Magneto’s mercy!


Review / Commentaries

The Uncanny X-Men #149 Review by (October 23, 2024)

Review: A surprisingly simple issue, the X-Men are sent to Magneto’s old base, where they find Garokk waiting for them, having been tasked with guarding it. Garokk still isn’t all that interesting, acting essentially as a security guard here, and most of the issue is the X-Men simply fighting Garokk when they search the base. The art is pretty standard, not Cockrum’s best, and the action is pretty standard too. We do get the debut of Kitty’s worst costume ever, which has to be seen to be fully believed, but then again, it was designed by a 14 year old girl. The most interesting part of the issue is when Xavier is pondering Magneto at the beginning. There are the first inklings of starting recontextualize Magneto, stating that he fears mutants will be destroyed if they don’t fight back against the humans, rather than doing villain stuff just because. This recontextualization will be more fully explored and realized in the next issue, the landmark UXM #150 and I’ll talk more about it there. The issue ends with Magneto revealing that he knows his guest is Cyclops (duh, the guy’s not an idiot), leaving him, and us, wondering what’s going to happen next! You don’t want to miss it!

Comments: Debut of Kitty’s worst costume, which thankfully only lasts a couple of issues.

> The Uncanny X-Men comic book info and issue index


Excelsioring your collection:
DIAMOND SELECT TOYS Marvel Premier Collection: Cyclops Statue, Multicolor 11 inches
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Dave Cockrum
Joe Rubinstein
Glynis Wein
Dave Cockrum (Cover Penciler)
Joe Rubinstein (Cover Inker)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Janice Chiang.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.


(Piotr Rasputin)

(Scott Summers)
Kitty Pryde
Kitty Pryde

(Kate Pryde)

(Kurt Wagner)
Professor X
Professor X

(Charles Xavier)

(Ororo Munroe)

(James Howlett)

Plus: Garokk, Lee Forrester.

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