Comic Browser:


The X-Men #102

Dec 1976
Chris Claremont, Dave Cockrum

Story Name:

Who Will Stop the Juggernaut?


The X-Men #102 synopsis by Anthony Silvestro
Rating: 4.5 stars

After being led into a trap at the end of last issue, the X-Men find themselves face to face with the unstoppable Juggernaut, as Storm suffers from a severe claustrophobia-induced panic attack! While the other X-Men battle Juggernaut, Banshee runs straight for his evil cousin, Black Tom Cassidy and, knowing that each’s powers won’t work on the other, deigns to take the more direct approach. Colossus wants to help the paralyzed Storm, but Wolverine has other ideas, spinning Colossus around and right at Juggernaut! Wolverine and Colossus take their lumps while Nightcrawler takes up the mission of trying to snap Storm out of it, knowing that she’s the only one who would stand a chance against Juggernaut. Nightcrawler resorts to taunting Juggernaut and doing his best to keep him from Storm, knowing the only hope they’ll have will be to outthink him.

Storm, meanwhile, curses herself and her inability to help her friends when they need her most. She thinks back to her childhood and her parents, an American father who married her mother, an African princess. They moved from his original New York home to Cairo and five years later, they’re caught in the middle of the Suez War. Her father tries to get them to safety when a French fighter jet gets shot down and crashes straight into their home. Young Ororo is buried alive in debris, while her parents are not so lucky, giving birth to her claustrophobia. She eventually frees herself from her prison and wanders across Cairo, running into a man named Achmed El Gibar, who teaches her all he knows about being a thief. She perfects her thieving skills before being pulled back home towards the Serengeti Plain, where Charles Xavier eventually finds her.

Speaking of, back in the hospital in New York, Xavier feels the pain and danger that his students are in. Xavier tells Cyclops that he urgently needs to speak with him, while Jean Grey tries to introduce the Professor to her roommate, Misty Knight. Xavier rudely brushes them off and Jean apologizes to Misty, who is more concerned about Jean. Jean then makes a shocking admission to Misty, that she died in the shuttle and brought herself back to life! In another room, Xavier orders Cyclops to head to Ireland ASAP to aid the other X-Men, but Cyclops refuses. He reasons that he needs to stay by Jean’s side and that he wouldn’t be able to get there in time to help anyway. Xavier lashes in anger before his mind is overtaken once more by the images and face he’s been seeing in his dreams!

Back at Cassidy Keep, the battle continues to go poorly for the X-Men. Juggernaut takes out Wolverine and just before he can deliver the finishing blow, Nightcrawler swings down and splashes a flaming torch right in Juggernaut’s face! Black Tom retaliates by blasting Nightcrawler, causing him to hit the wall hard! Nightcrawler is then found and absconded by a few mysterious figures, who pull him into a secret compartment in the wall! Black Tom then taunts Banshee, telling him that he’ll never know who hired Black Tom and Juggernaut to kill the X-Men, before knocking him out. Colossus makes one last effort to defeat Juggernaut, as their mighty blows collapse the whole wall on top of them. When the rubble clears, only Juggernaut is left standing. Storm tries to muster up an attack but is taken out as well, leaving the X-Men defeated, to be used as bait to lure Professor Xavier into a trap! To be continued!


Review / Commentaries

The X-Men #102 Review by (June 12, 2024)

Review: The X-Men fight the Juggernaut, and it doesn’t go well. That’s a majority of the issue, honestly. We do get a rundown on Storm’s backstory while she’s in the midst of her panic attack, detailing her parents’ deaths and her becoming a thief to survive on the streets of Cairo. That makes her the first new X-Man whose backstory we get a lot of detail on. Banshee also mentions how his and Black Tom’s powers don’t work on each other, establishing the concept that family members can be immune to each other’s powers. It’s an inconsistent concept, both in how it’s used and in how often it comes up, and it often only manifests when the powers in question are some kind of energy blast.

The mystery of the Phoenix continues, as Jean reveals to Misty Knight that she died and brought herself back to life, thereby justifying the name. We also get our first taste of Xavier being a royal jerk, acting indignant at Cyclops wanting to stay by Jean’s side. You know, the thing he said to do last issue. Make up your mind, man. Nightcrawler gets saved by some mysterious figures (I’ll touch on that more next issue), leaving the rest of the X-Men defeated and captured by Juggernaut and Black Tom, setting up quite the pickle for the finale of this story next issue.

Comments: First mention of the concept that family members’ powers can be ineffective against each other. This issue establishes Storm’s age as about 25, as well as establishing her last name, Munroe.

> The X-Men comic book info and issue index


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DIAMOND SELECT TOYS Marvel Premier Collection: Cyclops Statue, Multicolor 11 inches
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Dave Cockrum
Sam Grainger
Bonnie Wilford
Dave Cockrum (Cover Penciler)
Dave Cockrum (Cover Inker)
Additional Credits
Letterer: John Costanza.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.


(Sean Cassidy)

(Piotr Rasputin)

(Scott Summers)

(Cain Marko)

(Kurt Wagner)

(Jean Grey)
Professor X
Professor X

(Charles Xavier)

(Ororo Munroe)

(James Howlett)

Plus: Black Tom Cassidy.