Comic Browser:


The X-Men #104

Apr 1977
Chris Claremont, Dave Cockrum

Story Name:

The Gentleman's Name is Magneto


The X-Men #104 synopsis by Anthony Silvestro
Rating: 4.5 stars

This issue begins off the coast of Scotland, in the middle of the X-Men trying to broker a deal with a man named MacWhirter for use of his hovercraft boat. He refuses to lend it to them, having made his deal with Moira MacTaggert, not a bunch of costumed freaks. However, since he has been paid already, the X-Men commandeer his boat anyway. The X-Men are in a hurry because Moira wants them to check in on her mutant research center, Muir Island, having not heard back from anyone in a concerning amount of time. As the X-Men make their way to Muir Island, their ship suddenly tears itself apart, leaving them to swim to the shore. Once ashore, the X-Men are repelled by an invisible force field, before being lifted into the air on a piece of the island, leaving them hurtling straight into the wall of the complex. Banshee devises a strategy and they all cut loose at the wall with everything they’ve got, just before impact, punching a hole straight through to the inside. Battered, but alive, the door at the far end of the room starts to glow white hot, before exploding, as Magneto makes his entrance, promising the X-Men’s quick deaths!

Not too much later, Cyclops and Moira arrive on the island in the backup Blackbird, and Cyclops expresses his frustration that Professor Xavier hid the existence of this place from him, designed to contain and research dangerous mutants. Cyclops and Moira come across a groggy Jamie Madrox, Multiple Man, who had been left in charge. Jamie recounts how he had been ambushed by Erik the Red, Havok, and Polaris. Erik the Red headed to the cell where Magneto was being held, having been turned into an infant in his previous appearance in Defenders #16. Erik the Red uses a mysterious ray to age Magneto back into an adult man and the two forge an alliance, with Magneto being furious and humiliated at his previous predicament. Hearing that Magneto has been returned to the peak of his powers, the panicked Cyclops heads off to help the X-Men, knowing they have no chance against Magneto.

Cyclops turns out to be right, as back at the fight, Magneto easily flings both Wolverine and Colossus away, even pinballing Colossus around the room before sending him hurtling out into the ocean. Storm realizes that Magneto is merely toying with them to test the new limits of his abilities, as he reflects her lightning back at her. Nightcrawler tries teleporting for a better vantage point, but Magneto is able to sense the disruptions along the magnetic lines of force, predicting where Nightcrawler will reappear and flattens him with a bunch of debris. Banshee does his best to fight Magneto, even earning his respect, but is overcome too when Magneto fuses metallic particles around Banshee’s body, encasing him in a form-fitting metal coffin! Cyclops then appears and briefly stuns Magneto with his full force optic blasts, laying the pressure on Magneto’s personal force shields, knowing it won’t keep him down for long.

Cyclops then uses the opportunity to gather the X-Men and hightail it out of there. Wolverine objects to running away but Cyclops reveals they have more pressing matters. He realized that almost everything they’ve encountered recently has been part of Erik the Red’s plan to kill Xavier, and that Magneto was being used as a distraction while Xavier is currently unprotected. Magneto revels in his victory while behind him, a mysterious cell marked by the name “Mutant X” starts to stir! We end with multiple scene changes, as first, in deep space, two figures called Corsair and Chod discuss a mysterious Emperor’s plans that could endanger the whole universe. We then cut to the mysterious figure from Xavier’s dreams, as she finally makes it to earth, before being intercepted by an enemy ship. Finally, we check in on Charles Xavier, Jean Grey, and Misty Knight as they visit Jean’s parents, little knowing that Erik the Red lies in wait to kill Xavier and recapture the princess headed for him! To be continued!


Review / Commentaries

The X-Men #104 Review by (June 19, 2024)

Review: The X-Men’s greatest foe returns, in this absolutely jam-packed issue! Magneto is returned to adulthood after having previously been turned into a baby (comics are weird), and forms an alliance with Erik the Red. In keeping with his previous characterization, Magneto is noticeably more moustache-twirling and generically evil, a far cry from the nuanced and layered character that Claremont would later re-invent him as. Though not as deep as he would later be, Magneto is no less formidable and intimidating, utterly manhandling the new X-Men, almost without breaking a sweat! They’re even forced to run away, though that’s partly due to Cyclops realizing that Xavier is in danger.

This issue really exemplifies Claremont’s careful writing style. First off, there’s the revelation that almost everything the X-Men have encountered so far has been a series of plans by Erik the Red to kill Xavier and stop the figure from his dreams, later revealed as Princess Lilandra, from reaching him. We’re intentionally given few details, but all will made be made clear in the following issues as everything comes to a head, paying off the buildup of the past several issues, showing Claremont has been carefully crafting this series almost from the get-go. We’re also treated to a little tease for the mysterious “Mutant X’, planting a seed that will pay off in a story 20 or so issues from now, further exemplifying Claremont’s big picture writing style. He just loves to introduce small tidbits that will end up being more important much later and it’s one of my favorite things about him as a writer. Throw in a number of significant cameos including the debuts of Corsair and Ch’od from the Starjammers, and this made for quite a significant issue!

Comments: First time the new X-Men encounter Magneto. The cover is an obvious homage to X-Men #1. Wolverine’s arms are accidentally colored yellow on the cover. Magneto is returned to adulthood after being turned into a baby in his previous appearance in Defenders #16. First appearance of Muir Island, Moira MacTaggert’s mutant research center.

> The X-Men comic book info and issue index


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DIAMOND SELECT TOYS Marvel Premier Collection: Cyclops Statue, Multicolor 11 inches
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Dave Cockrum
Sam Grainger
Andy Yanchus
Dave Cockrum (Cover Penciler)
Dave Cockrum (Cover Inker)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Bruce Patterson.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.


(Sean Cassidy)

(Piotr Rasputin)

(Scott Summers)

(Alex Summers)

(Lilandra Neramani)

(Kurt Wagner)

(Jean Grey)

(Lorna Dane)
Professor X
Professor X

(Charles Xavier)

(Ororo Munroe)

(James Howlett)

Plus: Chod, Corsair (Christopher Summers), Erik the Red, Jamie Madrox (Multiple Man).