Comic Browser:


The X-Men #106

Aug 1977
Chris Claremont, Bob Brown

Story Name:

Dark Shroud of the Past!


The X-Men #106 synopsis by Anthony Silvestro
Rating: 3 stars

After the X-Men followed Erik the Red through the stargate portal last issue, Professor X was left to contend with a very angry Firelord. Xavier is suddenly overcome by his recent terrible dreams once more, the relief Lilandra brought with her presence now faded. Misty Knight does her best to look after him, as Xavier loses touch with reality, his dream taking him back to a period shortly after Moira MacTaggert first came to the Institute (in UXM #96). She tends to him after another of his terrible dreams while the X-Men train in the Danger Room. Colossus pushes Wolverine out of the way of a falling girder, only serving to make Wolverine angry. Just as Wolverine threatens to attack Colossus, Cyclops fires a warning blast, telling Wolverine to cut it out. Wolverine expresses his frustration that Cyclops has been pushing them so hard since Thunderbird’s death, constantly comparing them unfavorably to the old X-Men.

Banshee points out that they’re their own people with their own skills and foibles, when suddenly the original X-Men appear, telling the new team to get out. The new team is confused at the old X-Men’s sudden behavior shifts and costume differences, when the old team attacks, starting an all-out brawl between the two teams. Jean Grey activates the Danger Room’s weaponry to use against Storm, while Iceman tries to freeze the furious Wolverine. Banshee uses his sonic scream against Angel, before Angel reveals he’s wearing earplugs, and grabs Cyclops in a hammer lock. While holding Cyke’s arms back, Angel removes his visor and aims Cyclops’ eye blasts right at the approaching Colossus, who notes that the longer it goes the more it begins to hurt. Cyclops manages to break free, flipping Angel into the path of his eye beams while revealing that he knows that Angel is a fake!

Meanwhile, Beast and Nightcrawler square off, with Beast throwing Nightcrawler down to the ground. A waiting Colossus catches Nightcrawler and throws him back up to continue his assault on Beast. Cyclops reveals that they’re just fighting images of the original team and the fake Angel taunts him that it’s a moot point, since he doesn’t know who is creating the images and therefore can’t stop them. Professor X then appears and reveals that he inadvertently created the images of the original team, as he uses his mental powers to make them vanish once more.

Just then, the figure of a dark twisted Xavier appears, proving immune to Cyclops’ blasts. Wolverine then charges the imposter Xavier, who opens up a chasm between them, prompting Colossus to catch Wolverine in the nick of time. Xavier then conjures the images of the original team once more, making them attack the dark Xavier and causing him to fade away into nothingness. Xavier reveals that that was the dark side of his psyche, his worst impulses taken form. Normally he could keep that part of himself in check, but the recent dreams were causing his control over himself to weaken. Fully conscious once more, Xavier lies on the roof of the apartment building, knowing he’s finally laid his demons to rest.


Review / Commentaries

The X-Men #106 Review by (June 26, 2024)

Review: The end of last issue saw the X-Men enter a dimensional portal to who knows where, while Xavier revealed that the fate of the universe rests on their shoulders! And then this issue comes along and completely breaks the momentum of the ongoing story. Instead of continuing with what the X-Men are doing, the issue is essentially one big fever dream induced flashback from Xavier to something that apparently happened around 10 issues ago. This was pretty clearly a filler issue that was thrown together rather quickly, likely due to deadline problems with the next actual issue. The X-Men end up fighting mental images of the original team, created by Xavier’s evil side. It’s a weird, jarring story, not to mention the second time the X-Men fight fake versions of the old team in only a handful of issues. Only this time, it’s not as nice to look at, thanks to the notably worse art, courtesy of guest artist Bob Brown. Xavier’s evil side comes out of nowhere (though surprisingly will show up again in a single miniseries, dubbed The Entity later), and is dealt with just as quickly. The whole issue ends up feeling rather pointless, awkwardly shoved in the middle of a more gripping story at a particularly inopportune moment.

Comments: Guest plotting by Bill Mantlo and guest pencils by Bob Brown. Chris Claremont still scripted and Dave Cockrum penciled for the very beginning and end.

> The X-Men comic book info and issue index


Excelsioring your collection:
DIAMOND SELECT TOYS Marvel Premier Collection: Cyclops Statue, Multicolor 11 inches
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Bob Brown
Tom Sutton
Andy Yanchus
Dave Cockrum (Cover Penciler)
Dave Cockrum (Cover Inker)
Andy Yanchus (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Plot: . Letterer: Joe Rosen.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.


(Sean Cassidy)

(Piotr Rasputin)

(Scott Summers)

(Kurt Wagner)
Professor X
Professor X

(Charles Xavier)

(Ororo Munroe)

(James Howlett)