Comic Browser:


The X-Men #107

Oct 1977
Chris Claremont, Dave Cockrum

Story Name:

Where No X-Man Has Gone Before!


The X-Men #107 synopsis by Anthony Silvestro
Rating: 4.5 stars

At the end of issue 105, Phoenix powered up the interdimensional stargate to allow the X-Men to follow Erik the Red. We now see that they were deposited on a long-uninhabited world where another similarly confused group of beings called the Imperial Guard stand between them and rescuing Lilandra from Erik the Red. Cyclops attempts to communicate peacefully, saying that they’re just there to get Lilandra and Erik. The Imperial Guard’s leader, Gladiator, clarifies that Lilandra is a traitor to their empire and that she will remain their prisoner. Cyclops responds by blasting one of the Guard, igniting an all-out brawl between the two groups! Storm and Banshee attempt to scatter the aliens, while Banshee notes that they’ve barely had time to catch their breath, with everything moving so fast ever since their encounter with Magneto. Wolverine notes that Jean seems worse for wear, and Cyclops points out that she expended a lot of energy getting them there, so she’s basically out on her feet.

One of the Guard, called Hobgoblin, uses his shapeshifting abilities to turn into a huge, fearsome creature, easily swatting Colossus away! Nightcrawler then has the clever idea to use his image inducer to make himself look like an even bigger version of that same creature, hoping that will startle Hobgoblin. Nightcrawler’s ploy has the desired effect, as Hobgoblin reverts to his normal form, allowing Nightcrawler to take him out. Meanwhile, Wolverine is tearing through the Imperial Guard before being on the receiving end of an intense fire blast from one of them called Starbolt, stunning him and completely burning up his costume. Wolverine fights through the pain and takes his frustrations out on another Imperial Guard member similar to himself, called Fang, later snagging Fang’s costume for himself.

Over on the dais, Lilandra’s evil brother, the emperor DKen, is about to sacrifice her to a terrifying creature called the Soul-Drinker! Nightcrawler teleports over to her and frees Lilandra from her chains, but finds that she’s petrified by fear, rooted in place by the Soul-Drinker. Surrounded on both sides by enemies, Nightcrawler tries something he’s never done before and teleports himself and Lilandra at the same time, as the Soul-Drinker ends up impaling one of their foes instead. When Nightcrawler and Lilandra reappear, both are drained and weak, as the strain of teleporting with another person has left both of them unable to even stand. Cyclops then demands that Lilandra fill them in on exactly what’s been going on.

Lilandra tells of how the Emperor, her brother D’Ken, was made aware of a source of ultimate power, wanting it for himself. When Lilandra opposed him, she was forced to flee, eventually forming an unintentional psychic rapport with Professor Xavier, causing her to seek him out for assistance. D’Ken was made aware of this and contacted Erik the Red, a Shi’ar agent already on earth and tasked him with either recapturing Lilandra or killing Xavier before she could reach him. He then orchestrated most of the events of the series so far, such as the battle at Kennedy airport, and the X-Men’s brawls with Juggernaut and Magneto, all as ploys to silence Xavier. Lilandra then reveals that D’Ken is planning to use the M’Kraan Crystal as a gateway to the power he seeks, as soon as certain stars come into alignment. As the battle continues, the X-Men start to get overwhelmed by force of numbers, while Lilandra pleads with Gladiator to help her save the empire from her mad brother.

It's then that the X-Men are saved by the arrival of another group calling themselves the Starjammers, a group of spacefaring pirates! With the Starjammers’ help, the X-Men are able to fight back and defeat the remaining Imperial Guard. The Starjammers and X-Men make each other’s acquaintance and their leader, Corsair, reveals to Cyclops that they have the similar goal of stopping D’Ken. Jean finds it odd that Corsair is clearly American and scans his mind, shocked at what she finds out about him! Before we can learn what it is, however, D’Ken reveals that they’re too late, the stars are in alignment, as their energy pours into the M’Kraan Crystal. The energy then explodes out of the Crystal and everything in existence, just for a second, goes…BLINK! Over at Starcore, Peter Corbeau confers with Reed Richards about what just happened, revealing that for a fraction of a second, everything ceased to exist! Corbeau then reveals that if these blinks continue, the universe as they know it, could die! To be continued!


Review / Commentaries

The X-Men #107 Review by (June 26, 2024)

Review: After last issue’s filler story, we finally get back to the X-Men, in the homestretch of this first big arc. Almost everything that has happened so far has been leading to this, with Lilandra’s mad brother D’Ken in search of an ultimate power. In service of D’Ken are the Imperial Guard, making their debut, and leading to quite the brawl between them and the X-Men.  It’s made even better by Dave Cockrum being on top of his game in the art department, making the exciting action look that much better! I really do think it’s Cockrum’s best art so far, which is weird timing, as this is also his last issue as artist for quite a while, with the legendary John Byrne replacing him as the regular artist next issue. Cockrum actually pulls a dirty trick because of this. During the issue, Wolverine swipes the costume of one of the Imperial Guard after his gets burned off, which has a much more detailed and harder-to-draw design. Cockrum apparently did this on purpose, just to make things more difficult for his replacement, purely out of spite. Talk about your ungraceful exits.

The Imperial Guard are not the only group to debut this issue, as the Starjammers also make their arrival. The cover even implies that their arrival could signal the end of the X-Men! This was obviously just to garner interest in the group, as I believe they wanted to push their own series, which did not come to fruition, at least for many more years. Not to mention, Jean learns a shocking secret about their leader Corsair (that many X-fans will already know the answer to)! Fret not, as it’s revealed next issue anyway so more on that then. Next issue promises the big finale of this whole initial arc, with the stakes never higher, as the power D’Ken is after could cause the destruction of the entire universe!

Comments: First appearance of Gladiator and the rest of the Imperial Guard. First appearance of the Starjammers (besides Corsair and Ch’od who had a brief appearance in UXM #104). First time Nightcrawler teleports with another person, in this case Lilandra. Reed Richards and the Thing have brief cameos.

> The X-Men comic book info and issue index


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Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Dave Cockrum
Dan Green
Andy Yanchus
Dave Cockrum (Cover Penciler)
Dave Cockrum (Cover Inker)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Joe Rosen.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.


(Sean Cassidy)

(Piotr Rasputin)

(Scott Summers)

(Lilandra Neramani)
Mr. Fantastic
Mr. Fantastic

(Reed Richards)

(Kurt Wagner)

(Jean Grey)

(Ororo Munroe)

(James Howlett)

Plus: Corsair (Christopher Summers), DKen, Erik the Red, Gladiator (Kallark), Imperial Guard, Starjammers.