Comic Browser:


The X-Men #117

Jan 1979
Chris Claremont, John Byrne

Story Name:

Psi War!


The X-Men #117 synopsis by Anthony Silvestro
Rating: 5 stars

Picking up right from last issue, the X-Men find themselves navigating the Drake Passage, between Antarctica and South America, in the midst of the worst storm in a hundred years. Colossus tries rowing through the intense tides, while Wolverine and Nightcrawler wish there was more they could do. Cyclops asks Banshee for any possible ideas but he comes up empty. Wolverine suggests that Storm use her powers to calm the raging weather and she reveals that she’s been doing just that but that even her powers have limits and she passed them long ago. Eventually, they are found and brought aboard a passing Japanese ship. Cyclops thanks the crew for the rescue and asks to contact home but is told that all outside radio communication is forbidden given the sensitive nature of the ship’s mission. The X-Men have no option but to remain with the ship until it returns to Japan.

Meanwhile, in Westchester, Jean Grey prepares to leave the mansion forever, not being able to bear the memories, thinking that Scott and the rest of the X-Men are dead. She’s seen off by Lilandra, who contemplates her own feelings on the X-Men’s passing and her relationship with Charles Xavier. She brings Charles breakfast, finding him depressed and lost in thought. He expresses regrets at ever forming the X-Men, as his thoughts drift to the beginning. He reminisces about his youthful romance with Moira MacTaggert, the two even contemplating marriage. However, things fell apart when Charles got drafted and Moira broke off the engagement while he was overseas.

Charles traveled the world to ease his sorrows, eventually finding himself in Cairo. While there, he got pickpocketed by a young girl, prompting him to chase after her. After a lengthy chase, he uses his powers to gently stop her and retrieve his wallet, musing how he only realized years later that the girl was a young Storm, during her street thief days. Just then, Xavier experiences a strong psychic attack that knocks him for a loop. He enters the establishment where he could sense the attack originated from and waits, letting his attacker make the next move. He is soon greeted telepathically by the owner of the establishment, a man named Amahl Farouk. The two share an immediate intense hatred, with Xavier opposing Farouk’s usage of his powers for personal gain.

The two begin a telepathic battle on the astral plane, with Farouk using his powers to warp the battlefield to his choosing. Both manifest gladiator attire to battle each other with, with each attack on the astral plane being reflected on the participants’ real bodies. The longer the battle goes, the more Xavier feels he is at a disadvantage, playing by Farouk’s rules. He stops expending his energy on the fanciful illusions and instead focuses his raw mental energy. Farouk continues to change forms, each more horrible than the last, but Xavier remains unperturbed, eventually firing all of his mental energy at Farouk. In the real world, Farouk collapses, as Xavier simply walks out, but with a renewed purpose, knowing that he must bring humans and mutants together, to work in harmony against such creatures as Farouk. Charles continues to mourn over the X-Men and Lilandra offers for him to return to her world with her, which he hesitantly accepts. As an epilogue, we check in with Jean at Kennedy International Airport, where she runs into Misty Knight, who’s off to Japan to help her partner Colleen Wing with something. Jean says farewell to her as the reality of everything hits Jean again, leaving her feeling lost and alone, with no one to turn to.


Review / Commentaries

The X-Men #117 Review by (July 24, 2024)

Review: Here we have a look into a cool, little anecdote from Xavier’s past. Unlike the last time the series took a sudden flashback detour, in UXM #106, this issue still advances the overall plot and the flashback that comprises much of the issue is much more significant. The X-Men get picked up by a Japanese ship, heading them on their way to where they’ll be for the next few issues. Most of the issue then, is Xavier reminiscing on his past, chronicling his first encounter with an evil mutant, a man named Amahl Farouk he met in Cairo. This is particularly significant, as Farouk would later be revealed to be possessed by a malevolent creature called the Shadow King, who would go on to become a significant threat to the X-Men in the years to come. That makes this issue his sneaky first appearance, setting the stage for his and Xavier’s intense hatred for each other.

The battle between Xavier and Farouk is exciting and captivating and the scripting and sequencing by Claremont and Byrne is top-notch. We also get final, actual confirmation on Charles and Moira’s past relationship, which had been hinted at plenty before but not straight up confirmed until now. Xavier also gets pickpocketed by a very young Storm, for a cute little world-building moment. Overall, a very cool look into Xavier’s past while the characters themselves are all left uncertain about the future. The X-Men are headed off to who knows where, Xavier reluctantly agrees to go back to Lilandra’s home world with her, and Jean is left feeling particularly devoid of direction, lost, alone, and scared.

Comments: First appearance of the creature that would later be known as the Shadow King.

> The X-Men comic book info and issue index


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DIAMOND SELECT TOYS Marvel Premier Collection: Cyclops Statue, Multicolor 11 inches
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

John Byrne
Terry Austin
Glynis Wein
Dave Cockrum (Cover Penciler)
Terry Austin (Cover Inker)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Clem Robins.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.


(Sean Cassidy)

(Piotr Rasputin)

(Scott Summers)

(Lilandra Neramani)

(Kurt Wagner)

(Jean Grey)
Professor X
Professor X

(Charles Xavier)

(Ororo Munroe)

(James Howlett)

Plus: Shadow King (Amahl Farouk).