Comic Browser:


The X-Men #120

Apr 1979
Chris Claremont, John Byrne

Story Name:

Wanted: Wolverine! Dead or Alive!


The X-Men #120 synopsis by Anthony Silvestro
Rating: 4 stars

Our story starts at the Canadian Ministry of Defense, where James Hudson, now called Vindicator, surveilles recent footage of the X-Men with the Canadian Prime Minster. Just as in UXM #109, the Prime Minister wants Wolverine back as their operative, and so Vindicator puts the call out to the various members of Alpha Flight to get the job done. Meanwhile, the X-Men prepare to finally head out from Japan, saying a pleasant farewell to Sunfire. Wolverine also says his own farewell to Mariko Yashida, gifting her a white chrysanthemum to remember him by, as well as telling her his real name. The X-Men head out and the flight home seems uneventful, as they pass the international date line near the Alaskan coast. One of the pilots then alerts Cyclops that there are some strange weather patterns going on, that seem to be changing themselves so as to reroute the plane. Storm attempts to quell the weather but discovers that it’s being manipulated by some outside force and her attempts are doing more harm than good.

The blizzard continues to herd the plane over the next few hours, until they are forced to land in the small town of Calgary. When they touch down, Vindicator announces that he wants Wolverine to surrender himself to him, otherwise he won’t be responsible for what happens. They try to take off again at Cyclops’ command, but the plane won’t budge. Nightcrawler looks out the window and sees that someone is physically stopping the plane with his bare hands! Turns out, it’s the Alpha Flight member Sasquatch, who then throws the plane, causing it to completely explode in one of the airport’s hangars! Vindicator searches the rubble but finds no one, as Shaman notes that one of the X-Men is turning his weather spell against him to cover their escape. The X-Men reach the main airport, under Storm’s cover, where they then plan to split up to keep their pursuers off balance, before meeting up again in the center of town.

Nightcrawler teleports into the town, noting how much farther his teleporting range has gotten, while his current situation also reminds him of when Professor Xavier first found him. He’s then suddenly blinded by a flash of light, courtesy of Northstar and Aurora, before being knocked out and captured by the duo. Later, some of the group meet up at the agreed upon location, and Colossus reports that there is no sign of Kurt. Cyclops notes that Storm, Banshee, and Wolverine have also not arrived and worries that something may have happened. We check in on some of missing people in question, as Banshee waits in a mall boutique, having had the idea to get new clothes for Storm, given that she’s rather conspicuous.

However, Vindicator arrives at the boutique not long after, their tracking equipment now functional without the blizzard raging. As soon as Banshee sees Vindicator, he instinctively tries to use his sonic scream before doubling over in pain. Vindicator has the decency to be concerned about Banshee, before Storm returns with Colleen Wing and blasts Vindicator right out of the boutique! Vindicator hightails it out of there, knowing he can’t take on Storm by himself, and his flight trail is spotted by Cyclops on the street below. Cyclops realizes he made a mistake in splitting up, given that Alpha Flight must have mutant tracking tech akin to Cerebro, and splitting up has only made them more vulnerable. Case in point, Wolverine walks alone down a street, reflecting on his feelings for Mariko, when he’s suddenly ambushed and knocked out by Sasquatch. Later on, Banshee and Storm meet up with Cyclops and Colossus to relay their events, and Cyclops realizes that Nightcrawler and Wolverine have been captured, promising to finish the fight Alpha Flight started, no matter what! To be continued!


Review / Commentaries

The X-Men #120 Review by (July 31, 2024)

Review: After first trying to take back Wolverine in UXM #109, James Hudson is back again, with a new name and the whole of Alpha Flight to help him. The X-Men are forced to continue their globetrotting, as Alpha Flight forces their plane down in Canada, in order to reclaim Wolverine for the Canadian government. This is actually the first appearance of Alpha Flight as a group, as well as the first appearances of each of the other members aside from Hudson. What makes this particularly odd, is that Claremont and Byrne make the conscious choice to not completely show any of them, aside from Hudson. All we get are partial views or shadows, aside from brief looks at each in their civilian guises at the beginning of the issue. It’s a detail I never really took much notice of before, but it really sticks out now that I actively look for stuff like that. We won’t get full looks until next issue, where the X-Men take the fight to Alpha Flight, to save the captured Nightcrawler and Wolverine! Tune in for some great team vs team action!

Comments: First appearance of Alpha Flight as a group, as well as the first appearances of each of the members aside from James Hudson (Northstar, Aurora, Sasquatch, Shaman, and Snowbird). James Hudson now goes by the name Vindicator, instead of Weapon Alpha.

> The X-Men comic book info and issue index


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DIAMOND SELECT TOYS Marvel Premier Collection: Cyclops Statue, Multicolor 11 inches
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

John Byrne
Terry Austin
Glynis Wein
Bob Budiansky (Cover Penciler)
Terry Austin (Cover Inker)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Tom Orzechowski.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.


(Sean Cassidy)

(Piotr Rasputin)

(Scott Summers)

(Kurt Wagner)

(Walter Langkowski)

(Ororo Munroe)

(James Howlett)

Plus: Aurora (Jeanne-Marie Beaubier), Colleen Wing, Mariko Yashida, Northstar, Shaman, Snowbird, Vindicator (James Hudson).