Comic Browser:


The X-Men #122

Jun 1979
Chris Claremont, John Byrne

Story Name:

Cry For the Children!


The X-Men #122 synopsis by Anthony Silvestro
Rating: 4.5 stars

Our issue opens with Colossus struggling with a Danger Room test, pushing futilely against two metal walls closing in on him from either side. Cyclops and Wolverine watch from the control room, with Cyclops particularly confused as he states that this is nowhere close to the limits of Colossus’ strength. Wolverine points out that Colossus has being having feelings of inadequacy since they fought Magneto and can’t properly focus on his current task. Wolverine heads into the Danger Room himself, before Cyclops sees that he punctured the Danger Room controls with his claws. Wolverine forces his way into the Danger Room and climbs up in between the two enclosing walls with Colossus. He surmises that Colossus has been feeling down due to having a family back home, whereas most of the X-Men are loners, his inadequacy stemming from questioning his place on the team due to homesickness. Cyclops reveals that Wolverine’s ploy sabotaged the controls, forcing Colossus to give it all he’s got and stop the machine, lest he and Wolverine both be crushed. He succeeds and thanks Wolverine’s belief in him, while Cyclops gives Wolverine the task of fixing the controls he destroyed.

They exit the Danger Room, where Cyclops finds Colleen Wing waiting for him. Cyclops then uses the intercom to check on Nightcrawler and Banshee, who’re in the process of getting the Blackbird back up and running. Nightcrawler says it’s slow going, as is the rest of the state of the abandoned mansion. Cyclops continues to worry about where the Professor could have gone to and we check in on the man himself. Charles Xavier accompanied Lilandra back to her home world Imperial Center, where she is to be crowned Empress. We then check in on Jean Grey in Scotland, where she runs into a dashing fellow by the name of Jason Wyngarde. There’s an instant attraction, as Jean heads off with Moira MacTaggert, Havok, Polaris, and Multiple Man back to Muir Isle, where Moira wants to test the limits of Jean’s powers as the Phoenix. Back on the pier, Wyngarde watches them sail away while musing about how Jean will soon belong, body and soul, to him and the Hellfire Club!

Back in New York, Scott and Colleen get finished at the phone company, getting the phone lines for the mansion back up, before grabbing a bite. They talk about the state of their relationship while Scott admits that everything’s been completely flipped upside down lately. Meanwhile, Wolverine drops Storm off in Harlem, before spotting Mariko out of his side mirror. He abandons the car and runs up to the building she entered where he is told that she is not to be disturbed. Meanwhile, Storm walks through Harlem, her father’s birthplace, garnering strange looks from everyone, while horrified at the poverty and grunge she sees. She finds the building where she was born, where her father grew up, and enters to find it crawling with drug-addled teens. The teens think she’s an undercover cop and mean to attack her.

After one of the teens slashes Storm across the hand, she whips up a hurricane to keep them off balance without hurting them. One of the teens sneaks up on Ororo to stab her from behind, before he is stopped by the arrival of Luke Cage and Misty Knight. Luke comments on the hopeless state of drugs and crime that these kids often find themselves in, while Storm wishes there was more they could do. Elsewhere, Scott sees Colleen off at the train station, where she gives Scott a key to her apartment before she leaves. We then get an epilogue aboard a fancy private plane, where Black Tom Cassidy and Juggernaut wait to meet someone about killing the X-Men. Juggernaut objects before the assassin in question, Arcade, makes his appearance, promising that the X-Men are as good as dead! To be continued!


Review / Commentaries

The X-Men #122 Review by (August 7, 2024)

Review: In lieu of tons of action like last issue, this issue is filled to the brim with some great character stuff. The last bunch of issues have had little moments of Colossus feeling particularly inadequate and homesick and all of that reaches a bit of a breaking point in this issue. He struggles with what should be a routine strength exercise until Wolverine gives him some motivation, creating a nice moment for both of them. This is just a precursor however, as Colossus questioning his place on the team due to his roots will become a more pronounced problem a couple of issues from now. It’s cool that it’s something they’ve been building subtly though, a specialty of Claremont’s. Cyclops and Colleen Wing are getting unexpectedly close, and she even gives him a key to her apartment! It’s an interesting coupling in theory, but it never really goes anywhere due to the events that unfold in the upcoming issues.

Storm also visits Harlem, checking out the place where her father grew up and where she was born. She finds her old home riddled with teen drug addicts, allowing guest star Luke Cage to be able to talk about how the system fails these kids who then get addicted to drugs and turn to crime to support their habits. Some heavy social commentary that sadly is still just as applicable today. The most important event of this issue, however, is Jean Grey meeting Jason Wyngarde. We get our first mention of the Hellfire Club, letting us know right away that he’s up to no good (and giving us a clever clue to his identity via his shadow). This will be monumentally important, building across the next dozen plus issues, and leading directly into the most famous X-Men storyline of all time, the Dark Phoenix Saga! Tune in next time as Arcade is hired to kill the X-Men, always a fun time!

Comments: The epilogue is erroneously labeled as the prologue. First mention of the Hellfire Club. Arcade’s first appearance in an X-Men comic, after previously appearing against Spider-Man and Captain Britain in Marvel Team-Up #65-66.

> The X-Men comic book info and issue index


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DIAMOND SELECT TOYS Marvel Premier Collection: Cyclops Statue, Multicolor 11 inches
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

John Byrne
Terry Austin
Glynis Wein
Dave Cockrum (Cover Penciler)
Terry Austin (Cover Inker)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Tom Orzechowski.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.


(Sean Cassidy)

(Piotr Rasputin)

(Scott Summers)

(Alex Summers)

(Cain Marko)

(Lilandra Neramani)
Luke Cage
Luke Cage

(Power Man)

(Jason Wyngarde)

(Kurt Wagner)

(Jean Grey)

(Lorna Dane)
Professor X
Professor X

(Charles Xavier)

(Ororo Munroe)

(James Howlett)

Plus: Black Tom Cassidy, Colleen Wing, Jamie Madrox (Multiple Man).