Comic Browser:


The X-Men #123

Jul 1979
Chris Claremont, John Byrne

Story Name:

Listen - Stop Me If You’ve Heard It - But This One Will Kill You!


The X-Men #123 synopsis by Anthony Silvestro
Rating: 4.5 stars

Starting off on an expected note, we find Spider-Man swinging around New York, worrying about typical relationship woes. He then spots Scott Summers and Colleen Wing walking about and swings down to say hi. After a brief chat, Spidey swings off, passing a mysterious garbage truck. The truck then extends a chute, capturing Scott and Colleen with a unique sound effect! Spidey recognizes the sound from when he and Captain Britain were captured by Arcade (in Marvel Team-Up #65-66) and rushes back to the duo but finds only Colleen’s scarf and no sign of the truck. We then cut to Lincoln Center, where Nightcrawler and Colossus are on a double date with Amanda Sefton and her friend Betsy. They are led into a special box at the Bolshoi ballet and become the next of Arcade’s victims, as the box fills with knockout gas, overtaking all inside before they can react.

We then find Wolverine finishing up a visit with Mariko Yashida at the Japanese Consulate. He makes his way out, unknowingly being followed by a certain mysterious garbage truck! We then find Banshee at the Xavier Institute, awoken by the sound of the ringing phone. He goes to answer but is shot from behind by a tranquilizer dart. The phone naturally continues to ring, annoying Storm who is in the middle of a shower. She flies down to answer it and is shot by a tranquilizer dart as well, courtesy of Arcade himself! Arcade answers the phone to find Spider-Man trying to warn the X-Men, and tells Spidey that after he’s finished with the X-Men, he’s coming for him next! Spidey doesn’t take it well, completely demolishing the phonebooth he called from!

The X-Men awake to find themselves in costume, trapped in translucent spheres. Arcade gets the fun started, introducing the X-Men to Murderworld and revealing that they are in a giant pinball machine! They get shot out and bounce around the machine, each impact delivering an electric shock, each one too disoriented to break free. They are each then ejected from the pinball machine and deposited in personalized death traps! Cyclops finds himself in a room with three doors and a slowly advancing hydraulic press. He only has one chance to pick the correct door before he is crushed by the press, while Arcade muses to himself that none of the doors are correct, but Cyclops doesn’t know that! Colossus is deposited in a dark room with a single chair, before being accosted by blinding lights. An agent of the KGB enters and questions and charges Colossus with being a traitor to his home country, which Colossus has difficulty disputing. Elsewhere, Wolverine finds himself in a hall of mirrors. As he makes his way through, robotic duplicates of himself spring from the mirrors to attack him!

Arcade then checks in on Nightcrawler, who finds himself in a bowl-shaped room. Suddenly, bumper cars with buzzsaws and teeth shoot from the walls, surrounding him on all sides. Nightcrawler teleports to the ceiling but is caught by one of the cars driving up the side of the room when his attention is on the others. Banshee finds himself in a simulated war field, unable to tell what’s real and what’s not without his powers. Finally, Storm is dropped into a large cylindrical room, with water rushing beneath, designed to prey on her claustrophobia. She tries blasting the trapdoor with lightning, but has her bolts hurled back by a stronger electrical field. Back with Cyclops, he decides not to play by Arcade’s rules, and blasts though the wall instead of picking a door, blasting right into Wolverine’s section and frying the circuitry that was making the robotic duplicates. They make to leave, before being stopped by a freshly brainwashed Colossus, now calling himself the Proletarian! Arcade revels in his victory, as Colossus will either kill the X-Men before the brainwashing wears off or they’ll be forced to kill him and either way, Arcade wins! To be continued!


Review / Commentaries

The X-Men #123 Review by (August 7, 2024)

Review: Welcome to Murderworld X-Men! After appearing briefly at the end of last issue, Arcade captures the X-Men and drops them in Murderworld, full of personalized deathtraps! Arcade is such a fun and entertaining villain, and his appearances are always a treat. The creative deathtraps and whimsical imagery of Murderworld always make for fun and intense sequences. And of course, John Byrne’s art renders the whole thing beautifully. Colossus has the most unique, his being a brainwashing tactic to turn him against the X-Men. It’s the final culmination of all his growing feelings of inadequacy and uncertainty about where his loyalties lie, making it easier than ever for the brainwashing to take hold. This issue also started off in a unique way for an X-Men issue, with Spider-Man swinging around, making me question for a second which of my two regular series I was reading. Tune in next time to see how the X-Men defeat Arcade’s wacky traps while getting Colossus back to his senses!

Comments: First time the X-Men face Arcade and his Murderworld. Guest appearance by Spider-Man. Spidey references when Arcade captured him and Captain Britain, which took place in Marvel Team-Up #65-66.

> The X-Men comic book info and issue index


Excelsioring your collection:
DIAMOND SELECT TOYS Marvel Premier Collection: Cyclops Statue, Multicolor 11 inches
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

John Byrne
Terry Austin
Glynis Wein
Terry Austin (Cover Penciler)
Terry Austin (Cover Inker)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Tom Orzechowski.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.


(Sean Cassidy)

(Piotr Rasputin)

(Scott Summers)

(Kurt Wagner)

(Peter Parker)

(Ororo Munroe)

(James Howlett)

Plus: Amanda Sefton, Colleen Wing, Mariko Yashida.