Comic Browser:


The X-Men #126

Oct 1979
Chris Claremont, John Byrne

Story Name:

How Sharper Than a Serpent’s Tooth…!


The X-Men #126 synopsis by Anthony Silvestro
Rating: 4.5 stars

The X-Men zoom toward Muri Island, after being made aware of possible danger last issue. The blackbird passes over the lab and Colossus drops in first to scan for trouble. Storm then flies Wolverine down, before Cyclops lands the blackbird. Nightcrawler teleports into Moira’s house to search for anyone there, quickly notifying Cyclops and Banshee that he discovered something. The two join Nightcrawler to find an unconscious Polaris and the mummified husk of who they recognize as Angus MacWhirter. Banshee stays with Polaris while Cyclops orders Nightcrawler to teleport into the lab to continue his search. Cyclops then runs outside and has Storm pick him up, while worrying about Banshee and contemplating what they’ll do if his powers never return. Storm reveals that her aerial search of the island yielded no results as Cyclops tells her to take them to the lab.

Meanwhile, in said lab, Nightcrawler makes his way through the darkness, noting how all of the fuse boxes have been blown out. He’s then stopped in his tracks by a warning shot from Havok. Nightcrawler tries to explain but Havok still thinks the X-Men are dead and can’t see Kurt clearly in the dark. Havok is suddenly grabbed from behind and unleashes an omni-directional blast, only for his target to be revealed to be an unharmed Colossus, revealing to Havok that the X-Men are indeed alive. Meanwhile, Cyclops and Storm make their way through, noticing someone around the corner. Storm generates a wind, blowing the individual right into their arms, revealing them to be Moira MacTaggert, who is shocked and elated to see them alive. Cyclops orders Storm and Moira to gather everyone at the house while he goes to search for Phoenix. He finds Jean in a semi-conscious state and as she awakens, she hallucinates Scott as Jason Wyndgarde and addresses him as such, utterly confusing Scott before Jean passes out once more.

Later, everyone meets at Moira’s house, after a continued search reveals that Mutant X is no longer on the island. Multiple Man tells of how he made a bunch of duplicates to better search the island, before Mutant X possessed one of the dupes, allowing himself to escape. Cyclops questions Moira, who eventually reveals that Mutant X is her son! He’s an energy being that needs to possess other bodies, moving from body to body as he burns through them. Mutant X makes his way to Stornoway, where he tries to possess a passing Jason Wyngarde, but finds that Wyngarde has a psychic shield impeding him! He moves on to another target, continuing his trail of bodies.

The next day, the X-Men head out to mainland Scotland to continue their search, deciding to break off into separate search teams to cover more ground. Moira reveals to Cyclops that Mutant X has two main weaknesses, his need for host bodies, and metal, which can imprison or kill him! Meanwhile, Jason Wyngarde continues to watch Jean from afar and Jean suddenly finds herself once again seemingly thrust back into the 18th century! This time, she’s a rich woman hunting men for sport with her lover Jason! She snaps out of it and comes across another husk, implying that Mutant X has moved on to another body. Elsewhere, Wolverine and Nightcrawler track Mutant X via Wolverine’s senses and find that he’s now taken the form of a police officer. He attempts to possess Wolverine, but screams in pain, discovering that Wolverine’s entire skeleton is laced with metal, making Wolverine deadly to him!

Mutant X then adopts the name Proteus and manipulates reality around the two heroes, causing the world and their perceptions to turn inside out! Storm arrives and attacks, distracting Proteus and causing everything to return to normal. Storm destroys Proteus’ car, and he turns everything topsy-turvy once more, causing Storm to lose her sense of direction and slam into the ground. She generates a powerful wind to try and hold Proteus back, with her being his new target for a host body. Nightcrawler wants to help Storm, but Wolverine admits that there’s nothing they can do, except anchor themselves in the strong wind, unable to help as Proteus closes in on Storm! To be continued!


Review / Commentaries

The X-Men #126 Review by (August 14, 2024)

Review: The Proteus Saga continues as the X-Men head to Muir Island and are finally reunited with Jean, Moira, and the others! Moira also reveals her personal stake in all this, that Proteus is her son, held there until she could find a way to deal with his condition. Proteus is terrifyingly powerful, immediately showcasing such by his ability to literally warp reality around him. We get a significant development when he tries to possess Wolverine but can’t, due to Wolverine’s bones being laced with metal, his one big weakness. Though Wolverine had mentioned that his bones are hard to break before, this is actually the first explicit mention of his adamantium skeleton! Mark that down for the list of “standard Wolverine things” that weren’t actually there from the beginning.

The other big developments from this issue revolve around Jean and Jason Wyngarde. He continues to influence Jean, causing her to hallucinate once again that she’s in the 18th century, and causing her to feel both confused but also closer to him at the same time. We also get another little hint at Wyngarde’s identity (that most X-fans already know), when Proteus tries to possess him but finds himself stopped by a psychic shield. I love how far in advance Claremont had planned things, and I love these little breadcrumbs expertly building this plotline until everything comes to a head in probably the most famous X-Men story ever. This careful and intentional style is a big part of why this is my favorite comic series and probably helped to propel it to the heights of popularity that it had. Tune in next issue as the Proteus saga continues and the X-Men try to figure out how they can stop a foe who can literally manipulate reality itself!

Comments: Part 2 of the Proteus Saga. First use of the name Proteus. First explicit mention that Wolverine’s bones are laced with adamantium, something that had only been hinted at before now.

> The X-Men comic book info and issue index


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DIAMOND SELECT TOYS Marvel Premier Collection: Cyclops Statue, Multicolor 11 inches
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

John Byrne
Terry Austin
Glynis Wein
Dave Cockrum (Cover Penciler)
Terry Austin (Cover Inker)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Tom Orzechowski.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.


(Sean Cassidy)

(Piotr Rasputin)

(Scott Summers)

(Alex Summers)

(Jason Wyngarde)

(Kurt Wagner)

(Jean Grey)

(Lorna Dane)

(Ororo Munroe)

(James Howlett)

Plus: Jamie Madrox (Multiple Man), Proteus (Kevin MacTaggert).