Comic Browser:


The X-Men #129

Jan 1980
Chris Claremont, John Byrne

Story Name:

God Spare the Child...


The X-Men #129 synopsis by Anthony Silvestro
Rating: 5 stars

A few days after their battle with Proteus, the X-Men finally head home from Scotland. Banshee decides to stay with Moira MacTaggert, officially leaving the team, both to care for Moira and due to feeling like he’s no use without his powers. Cyclops once again offers team membership to Multiple Man, Havok, and Polaris, but each one turns him down, opting for more normal lives. The X-Men say their farewells and take off for home. Nightcrawler pilots the long journey back while Colossus wrestles with his killing Proteus last issue, wondering if what he did was right. As the blackbird streaks across the sky, it passes another aircraft containing Jason Wyngarde who uses his powers to strengthen his hold over Jean Grey, making her think once more that her consciousness has shifted to the distant past, finding herself aboard a fancy ship in the 18th century. She’s encountered by the ship’s captain and snaps out of it to find she’s actually talking to Scott. This gives Scott and Jean the chance to finally talk and reconnect after spending so long thinking the other was dead. Scott admits that he shut off emotionally, not being able to handle the seeming reality that she was dead, and they reaffirm their love for each other.

Hours later, the X-Men finally land outside the mansion, when their sensors pick up the presence of someone inside! They rush in to find Charles Xavier returned to earth, allowing Xavier to have a joyful and emotional reunion with his beloved students. Days later, Scott and Jean are finishing up a relaxing stroll, when Wolverine storms out of the Danger Room, tired of Xavier treating him like an amateur kid. This leads to a conversation that Scott was afraid of, as he confronts Xavier about his handling and treatment of the team now that he’s back. Scott argues that the new team aren’t novices and Xavier can’t just treat them the same as the old team, while Xavier sees Scott’s words as his failing to whip the new team into shape. Before Scott can get through to him, Cerebro suddenly detects signatures of two new mutants, one in New York and one in Chicago.

Meanwhile, this information is also made aware to the Hellfire Club, due to the bugs planted by Warhawk all the way back in UXM #110, revealing that he had been working for them all this time! The Hellfire Club’s leader, Sebastian Shaw, announces their plan to intercept and recruit these two new mutants before the X-Men can, while hopefully eliminating some of the X-Men along the way. We then cut to a suburb of Chicago, where we meet the first of these new mutants, a young girl named Kitty Pryde. She makes her way home from dance practice, where her parents introduce her to Emma Frost, really White Queen of the Hellfire Club, there under the pretense of getting Kitty to join her Massachusetts school. Kitty is immediately skeeved out by Frost, who leaves soon enough, passing Xavier, arriving with Storm, Wolverine, and Colossus, there to recruit Kitty themselves.

Xavier stays behind to talk with Kitty’s parents, while she heads out to a local ice cream place with the others. Kitty and Storm quickly start to bond, and Storm tells her who they really are and that Kitty is a mutant. Suddenly, armored goons of the Hellfire Club bust through the wall, each one specially designed to deal with one of the X-Men present. The X-Men struggle a bit with their attackers, and in the confusion, in order to avoid injury, Kitty jumps back and accidentally falls right through the wall and into the alley outside! The X-Men continue to fight, until they decide to switch dance partners, each able to easily take out the henchmen designed for each other. Before they can interrogate their attackers, the three X-Men are knocked out by a telepathic assault from Emma Frost. They’re taken aboard the Hellfire Club’s hovercraft and strip searched, while Emma decides to come back for Kitty later. However, little does she know that Kitty snuck aboard the hovercraft, as she phases through from the rear compartment. Kitty wants to help the captured X-Men, but doesn’t know what she can do, all alone against an entire aircraft of enemies! To be continued!


Review / Commentaries

The X-Men #129 Review by (August 28, 2024)

Review: This is a monumentally significant issue, for a multitude of reasons. First off, we have the debuts of three very important X-Men characters, these being Kitty Pryde, Emma Frost, and Sebastian Shaw (though Shaw is only seen in shadow). Naturally, with Shaw and Emma, we also have the debut of the Hellfire Club, paying off their first mention a number of issues ago. The debut of the Hellfire Club also pays off another sneaky setup, as it is revealed that Warhawk was actually working for the Hellfire Club, all the way back in UXM #110, when he initially bugged the place, allowing them to spy on the X-Men this whole time! Told you it would lead to a much grander tale! Kitty and Emma will go on to have quite the history together, making it very fitting that they debuted at the same time. Kitty is immediately likeable and enjoyable, being a personal favorite character of mine, my second favorite in fact (after Nightcrawler of course). Given this, I’m obviously very happy that she’s now in the book, immediately thrown into a trial by fire, as the end finds her all alone, determined to free the captured X-Men!

Out with old, in with the new. The second significant thing about this issue is Banshee officially leaving the team in order to stay with Moira. The writing was on the wall for a good ten issues or so after losing his powers and Claremont and Byrne finally wrote him out, in part to make room for the new characters coming in. The X-Men are also finally reunited with Professor Xavier and he immediately is kind of a jerk again, thinking Scott’s done a bad job whipping the new team into shape. Yeesh. Not to mention, Wyngarde strengthens his hold on Jean, as all of this jam-packed issue has actually been the first part of the indelible Dark Phoenix Saga, spanning from this issue until UXM #137! It’s a phenomenal start to the most famous arc in X-Men history, with fantastic art by John Byrne and Terry Austin. You can just feel something truly special starting with this issue, made especially significant by the introduction of two of the most important characters in the X-Men mythos (and Shaw). It’s truly a classic! Tune in next time for the continuation of this landmark story, with yet another new character!

Comments: First appearances of Kitty Pryde, Emma Frost, and Sebastian Shaw, though Shaw is only seen in shadow. First appearance of the Hellfire Club. Banshee officially leaves the team. Part one of the Dark Phoenix Saga, spanning from UXM #129-137.

> The X-Men comic book info and issue index


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Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

John Byrne
Terry Austin
Bob Sharen
John Byrne (Cover Penciler)
Terry Austin (Cover Inker)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Tom Orzechowski.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.


(Sean Cassidy)

(Piotr Rasputin)

(Scott Summers)

(Alex Summers)
Kitty Pryde
Kitty Pryde

(Kate Pryde)

(Jason Wyngarde)

(Kurt Wagner)

(Jean Grey)

(Lorna Dane)
Professor X
Professor X

(Charles Xavier)

(Ororo Munroe)
White Queen
White Queen

(Emma Frost)

(James Howlett)

Plus: Hellfire Club, Jamie Madrox (Multiple Man).