Comic Browser:


The X-Men #132

Apr 1980
Chris Claremont, John Byrne

Story Name:

And Hellfire is Their Name!


The X-Men #132 synopsis by Anthony Silvestro
Rating: 5 stars

After their adventure in Chicago, rather than head home, the X-Men visit Angel at his unique home in New Mexico. He welcomes them and introduces them to his girlfriend, Candy Southern. Cyclops then asks to talk with Angel somewhere more private and Angel suddenly scoops Scott up and flies away with him, to Professor X’s annoyance. Angel flies Cyclops out to a remote butte and Cyclops recounts to him their recent run-in with the Hellfire Club, and that they had personal and specific knowledge about the X-Men. Angel admits that he’s technically a member, inherited from his late parents, but that he only ever visited once, and reassures Cyclops that he couldn’t have given them any info. Cyclops also admits that part of his visit is because the mansion doesn’t feel safe anymore, not to mention his worries about Jean. Jean Grey herself then arrives and Angel takes that as his cue to leave. Scott and Jean then share an intimate night together, in the midst of all the chaos, with Jean even holding back Scott’s optic blasts so she can see his eyes.

A week later, the X-Men decide it’s time to scope out the Hellfire Club for themselves, while the club celebrates the date of its founding. Wolverine and Nightcrawler make their way through the sewers beneath the Club’s fifth avenue location. Wolverine slashes at a power line, stripping the insulation so that the rising water will cause a blackout at a hopefully opportune time. Nightcrawler applauds his sneaky tactic and lets Cyclops know that they’re in position. The others, meanwhile, plan to scope out the club from the inside, with invites to the Hellfire’s Club’s party under false names, provided by Angel. Angel himself remains at his home with Professor X, who admits that he has been unable to re-establish his psychic rapport with his X-Men, making their mission that much more dangerous.

Colossus and Storm enter first, eyes wide for any signs of trouble. Scott and Jean then enter and are instantly spotted by the inner circle of the Hellfire Club via their monitor screens. Sebastian Shaw tells Jason Wyngarde to prove his control over Jean, saying that she can lead their attack against the X-Men. Wyngarde then does just that, cutting in on Scott and Jean’s dance to steal her away, once more putting her under a hallucination that she’s slipped back in time. He then leads her upstairs and his façade slips for a second, letting the following Cyclops see that Wyngarde has been Mastermind this whole time! Scott follows them but is suddenly blasted by Jean, now transformed into the Hellfire Club’s Black Queen! Colossus and Storm hear the commotion and rush to help, only to be intercepted by Sebastian Shaw, who reveals that he is a mutant, with the power to absorb kinetic energy, so the harder he gets hit, the stronger he becomes. Shaw makes quick work of Colossus and Storm sets up a fog in hopes to escape him.

Elsewhere, Nightcrawler and Wolverine sneak into the basement from the sewers when Nightcrawler is grabbed by Donald Pierce, sending an electrical field coursing through Nightcrawler, leaving him helpless. Wolverine slashes Pierce’s arm, revealing that he’s a cyborg, before he is intercepted by the final member of the Inner Circle, Harry Leland. Leland uses his ability to increase an object’s mass on Wolverine, making him heavier and heavier, unable to move, until the floor gives way, sending Wolverine plummeting into the sewer below! Storm, the lone remaining X-Man, is soon caught and defeated by Shaw. The Hellfire Club toast their new Black Queen and their defeat of the X-Men. Well almost, as in the sewers, we see that Wolverine is very much not dead and he’s coming to repay the Hellfire Club with a vengeance! To be continued!


Review / Commentaries

The X-Men #132 Review by (September 4, 2024)

Review: The Dark Phoenix Saga takes a dramatic turn as the X-Men take the fight to the Hellfire Club directly! The writing is impeccable in this practically perfect issue, teeming with important events! Before the chaos, Scott and Jean get to share a peaceful night, while she telekinetically holds back his optic blasts (a scene that was replicated in X-Men 3). The atmosphere is tense as the X-Men sneak into the Hellfire Club and the action is brutal, with the X-Men suffering a decisive defeat at their enemies’ hands. Jason Wyngarde, who is finally revealed to have been Mastermind this whole time (though it was spoiled in the characters section long ago for any not in the know), completes his control over Jean, transforming her into the Black Queen of the Hellfire Club and kicking off the X-Men’s quick and complete defeat. Well, not a complete defeat…

Wolverine is revealed to not be dead (surprise, surprise) in one of the coolest final panels in any comic ever, as he crawls out of the sewer, proclaiming “Now it’s my turn!” It is one of the greatest drawings of Wolverine to this day and some of John Byrne’s finest work. The shot, much like the entire issue, is utter perfection. A tense, harrowing issue that perfectly continues this famous arc and leaves you dying to see what happens next! Jean is now the Black Queen and the X-Men are defeated, with only Wolverine left, promising one heck of an epic continuation next issue! See you there!

Comments: Part four of the Dark Phoenix Saga. First appearances for Donald Pierce and Harry Leland. Jason Wyngarde is revealed to be Mastermind. Guest appearance by Angel. One of the annotations incorrectly lists their first meeting with Dazzler as UXM #129 when it was really #130.

> The X-Men comic book info and issue index


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DIAMOND SELECT TOYS Marvel Premier Collection: Cyclops Statue, Multicolor 11 inches
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

John Byrne
Terry Austin
Glynis Wein
John Byrne (Cover Penciler)
Terry Austin (Cover Inker)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Tom Orzechowski.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.


(Warren Worthington III)

(Piotr Rasputin)

(Scott Summers)

(Jason Wyngarde)

(Kurt Wagner)

(Jean Grey)
Professor X
Professor X

(Charles Xavier)

(Ororo Munroe)

(James Howlett)

Plus: Candy Southern, Donald Pierce, Harry Leland, Hellfire Club.