Comic Browser:


The X-Men #133

May 1980
Chris Claremont, John Byrne

Story Name:

Wolverine: Alone!


The X-Men #133 synopsis by Anthony Silvestro
Rating: 5 stars

After last issue saw Wolverine plummet into the sewers, the Hellfire Club send their henchmen to scour the sub-basements to make sure he’s really dead. Unknown to them, Wolverine is waiting in the rafters for them and gets the drop on them, slicing through the henchmen in brutal and violent fashion. When there is just one henchman left, Wolverine pulls a “Dirty Harry” and intimidates the man into surrendering, before grilling him for information on the Hellfire Club and the other X-Men. Meanwhile, the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club have the X-Men in restraints that naturally also negate their powers, with Cyclops even fitted with a ruby-quartz helmet, making him effectively blind. Sebastian Shaw congratulates Jason Wyngarde on his successful control of Jean Grey as their Black Queen, while also thinking to himself how Wyngarde will likely try to seize control of the group for himself soon.

Colossus is confused what’s going on and the other X-Men can provide no answers, only Cyclops, who can’t communicate at the moment. He knows that Mastermind’s illusions are causing Jean to think she’s living the life of an ancestor from the 1700s, and can only see them as her captured inferiors. Unfortunately, given the time period, she sees Storm, in particular, as her slave, even striking her when Storm attempts to get through to her. Cyclops thinks back to a week ago, during their intimate night, when he and Jean decided to set up a permanent psychic rapport between the two of them, so that they’d always be with each other in some way. Cyclops is banking that that rapport will be the key to getting them out of this whole mess. Nightcrawler inquires why the Hellfire Club have left them alive and Shaw reveals that they’re to be used as guinea pigs, in order to custom build more mutants that the Club can use for their own personal gain.

We then take a quick interlude to Muir Island, where Banshee is finishing up a jog and comes upon an exhausted Moira MacTaggert. She reveals that Mastermind’s meddling has been causing the psychic blockers Jean placed on herself to limit her powers to fail, and that she could begin tapping near infinite levels of power once more! Our second interlude takes us back to Angel, who returns from a flight to find Professor X up and about. Xavier admits to feeling helpless to aid his X-Men and also admits that he secretly resented when Cyclops took over control of the team, fearing he made mistakes that could have dire consequences. Back in New York, Wolverine continues sneaking around the Hellfire Club’s headquarters, seeing the only path forward through a room full of party guests. Before he can make any moves, however, he’s caught by a guard, with a gun right to his head.

Meanwhile, Cyclops attempts to reach Jean through their psychic bond, hoping that he can snap her out of the illusion. He concentrates and finds himself in an entirely white space that he realizes must be the astral plane. Suddenly he’s dressed in 18th century attire and Jean appears as the Black Queen, making him realize that this is going to be harder than he thought. Mastermind appears as well and he and Cyclops begin a mental sword duel, utterly confusing Cyclops as Mastermind’s powers are not actually telepathic in nature. So how can he be here? Back with Wolverine, he overcomes the guard and storms through the headquarters, before being swarmed by more traditional guards, not wanting cut loose too much in case they’re legit employees and not henchmen of the Inner Circle. Cyclops and Mastermind’s duel continues, with it clear that Mastermind is only toying with Cyclops. He stops his fun and stabs Cyclops straight through the chest, as in the real world, Cyclops falls to the floor, apparently dead! To be continued!


Review / Commentaries

The X-Men #133 Review by (September 4, 2024)

Review: Another absolute top-tier issue in this ongoing arc, with an equally top tier cover! Wolverine gets some big moments, having to storm through the Hellfire Club alone to rescue the others. The opening sequence of him literally cutting through the guards is a treat to see, the art absolutely beautiful. This is also the sequence that Jim Shooter rather infamously complained about, saying that since Wolverine is a hero, he shouldn’t kill. On the one hand, Wolverine has already killed a few times in the series. On the other hand, to be a little fair to Shooter, this sequence is much more brutal and violent than usual, with the killing happening blatantly on-screen, unlike the previous examples. I’m sure this was considered surprisingly graphic for 1980, certainly more violent than X-Men typically was at the time. Or maybe it’s just because Wolverine is a “good guy”, rather than the violence itself. Regardless, Shooter was likely the only one complaining, as it’s quite a sight to behold. Wolverine even gets to intimidate a henchman in a scene that evokes the famous Dirty Harry “Do you feel lucky?” scene.

Meanwhile, there are also characters not named Wolverine (despite what the title would have you believe). Cyclops gets into a mental duel with Mastermind, a unique situation as neither actually has psychic powers, but it makes sense in context. There’s some nice worldbuilding with the first mention of Senator Kelly, setting up future stories as an important recurring character later. Moira also worries that Jean could start to lose control of her powers again. Nice foreshadowing, I wonder what’s about to happen? We also get a surprisingly human moment with Xavier, as he admits to resenting when Cyclops took over. It’s a surprisingly realistic reaction, especially since he’s always been the guy in charge, and likely doesn’t know what to do when he’s not. Claremont has always been phenomenal at making his characters feel like real people, despite being in a comic book. Finally, we end with another cliffhanger, as Cyclops is apparently killed, with the next issue promising to be the prelude to disaster!

Comments: Part five of the Dark Phoenix Saga. First mention of Senator Kelly, though he isn’t fully seen.

> The X-Men comic book info and issue index


Excelsioring your collection:
DIAMOND SELECT TOYS Marvel Premier Collection: Cyclops Statue, Multicolor 11 inches
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

John Byrne
Terry Austin
Glynis Wein
John Byrne (Cover Penciler)
Terry Austin (Cover Inker)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Tom Orzechowski.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.


(Warren Worthington III)

(Sean Cassidy)

(Piotr Rasputin)

(Scott Summers)

(Jason Wyngarde)

(Kurt Wagner)

(Jean Grey)
Professor X
Professor X

(Charles Xavier)

(Ororo Munroe)

(James Howlett)

Plus: Donald Pierce, Harry Leland, Hellfire Club.