Comic Browser:


The X-Men #134

Jun 1980
Chris Claremont, John Byrne

Story Name:

Too Late, the Heroes!


The X-Men #134 synopsis by Anthony Silvestro
Rating: 5 stars

After having apparently been killed in a psychic duel with Mastermind last issue, Cyclops raises to his feet, his physical body feeling the effects of his astral form’s “death.” The rest of the X-Men remain trapped, and the Hellfire Club continue to revel in their victory as the thunderstorm outside rages, the water levels rising. Just then, Wolverine bursts through the doors, dragging some guards in tow. Mastermind commands Jean Grey, as the Black Queen, to take care of Wolverine. However, unbeknownst to him, while all eyes are on Wolverine, Jean sneakily undoes the latch on Cyclops’ restrictive helmet, allowing him to blast it right off his head! He uses the suddenness to throw the Hellfire Club off-balance, freeing the others and hitting them hard and fast, before they can react, just as the Hellfire Club did to them a couple of issues ago. Cyclops blasts Harry Leland down to the lower level and blasts the floor underneath Sebastian Shaw, dropping him to the floor below as well.

Mastermind decides to hang back and see how everything unfolds, projecting an illusion that he’s part of the background. Wolverine jumps down at Leland who instinctively uses his power to increase Wolverine’s mass as he falls. Wrong move, as it only serves for Wolverine to slam into him even harder. Meanwhile, Nightcrawler and Storm ambush a fleeing Shaw, with Nightcrawler keeping him off-balance while Storm starts freezing the air around him. We then cut to Avengers Mansion, where Beast receives an alert of the X-Men apparently on a rampage. Beast ultimately decides not to alert his other Avengers and leaves to check things out himself. Back at the Hellfire Club, Colossus grapples with Donald Pierce, even ripping off one of his metal arms! Pierce temporarily blinds Colossus with the exposed live wires in the arm and escapes. Sebastian Shaw manages to escape Storm and Nightcrawler as well, ducking into a secret passageway, where he runs into Pierce, promising that next time they cross paths with the X-Men, things will be different.

Meanwhile, Cyclops tries to corral the crowd, not knowing that Mastermind is creating an illusion that he’s trying to attack them. Just then, Wolverine’s ploy from two issues ago works, the rising water in the sewers reaching the exposed power lines, causing the entire building to suffer a blackout! Wolverine startles Cyclops in the dark and he sends Wolverine to find the others, deciding that now would be the best time to get out of there. One last order of business, however. Jean finds Mastermind in the dark and she attacks him, as she can feel her control slipping with each passing second. She reveals that Cyclops’ astral “death” snapped her out of Mastermind’s control and discovers that he was even able to control her due to a mindtap mechanism, designed by Emma Frost. Jean’s power and fury grow ever stronger, and she lashes out, giving Mastermind the power he so desperately craved. She makes him experience godhood, stretching his mind across infinity in the blink of an eye. The experience overwhelms his mind, leaving him drooling and broken, while the quickly worsening Jean enjoys every second.

Jean feels the power growing, the song within her reaching untapped levels, no longer being able to deny her destiny. Cyclops and the others find her, and they make to escape, all the while Scott worried about how Jean is purposely damping down their psychic rapport, wondering what she’s trying to hide from him. Shaw witnesses the X-Men flee and promises that he’ll make sure they’re known across the world as public enemy number one! The X-Men board the blackbird, Cyclops moving with haste and desperation, aiming to get Jean to Professor X as fast as he can. Jean, however, can sense his thoughts and knows that it’s too late, for them and for everything! The X-Men speed away, just as the police arrive. However, it’s then that Jean loses all control, her powers overtaking her, transforming her into the Dark Phoenix and with a thought, she explodes the plane! To be continued!


Review / Commentaries

The X-Men #134 Review by (September 4, 2024)

Review: What an issue! Cyclops turns out to not be dead (surprise, surprise), but the shock from his psychic “death” snaps Jean out Mastermind’s control, allowing the X-Men to free themselves and turn the tides! There’s some epic action as the X-Men hit the Hellfire Club hard and fast, just as they had done to them two issues ago. There’s a particularly dumb moved pulled by Harry Leland as he increases Wolverine’s mass…as Wolverine is falling directly at him! Wolverine certainly implies that he killed Leland later and Wolverine usually isn’t one to make mistakes like that, so it does beg the question of how Leland isn’t dead in future appearances. Wolverine’s clever ploy set up two issues ago also pays off, creating a blackout across the Club at a particularly opportune moment!

Of course, the big stuff this issue has to do with Jean. She repays Mastermind for his transgressions, in a rather disturbing and ruthless way, overwhelming his mind with her power, making him experience godhood in an instant, and ultimately breaking him, leaving him a thoughtless mess. (Though he gets better, as well) All the while her power builds and she can feel herself losing control. It’s actually very heartbreaking how you can feel her sadness and desperation, knowing that things are about to hit the fan, and there’s nothing she can do to stop it. Finally, the dams break and Jean loses control, becoming the Dark Phoenix in a stunningly drawn display and making for one heck of an ending! Last issue’s promise rang true, as this is indeed the prelude to disaster, as things are about to get even worse, leading right into the climactic third act of the Dark Phoenix Saga! Everything, arguably the entire series so far, has been leading to this final section of this landmark storyline! Buckle up, it truly is one of THE classics of all time!

Comments: Part six of the Dark Phoenix Saga.

> The X-Men comic book info and issue index


Excelsioring your collection:
Diamond Select Toys Marvel Gallery: Beast PVC Figure, Multicolor
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

John Byrne
Terry Austin
Bob Sharen
John Byrne (Cover Penciler)
Terry Austin (Cover Inker)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Tom Orzechowski.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.


(Henry Phillip McCoy)

(Piotr Rasputin)

(Scott Summers)

(Jason Wyngarde)

(Kurt Wagner)

(Jean Grey)

(Ororo Munroe)

(James Howlett)

Plus: Donald Pierce, Harry Leland, Hellfire Club.