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Thor #83: Review

Oct 2004
Daniel Berman, Andrea Di Vito

Story Name:

Ragnarok, Part the Fourth


Thor #83 Synopsis by Peter Silvestro

At the battle of Vannaheim, Beta Ray Bill slays Fenris in combat, then heals Thor of his wounds. Thor fills Bill in on the situation, and asks his alien counterpart to rule in Asgard while he undertakes a quest. Thor learns that the orphaned boy he had taken under his protection (in issue #81) has also died in battle, and he mourns. He takes leave of his people and sets out to seek the wisdom of Odin, which will be needed to guide their strength in the war….

At the remote stronghold of Hildstalf, Thor meditates on his childhood with Loki, his adventures on Earth with the Avengers, and the deaths of his parents. A ghostly child resembling the dead orphan boy appears to him accompanied by Odin’s long-lost ravens Hugin and Munin; the boy is the Odinpower in visible form, come to guide Thor into the wisdom needed to wield the power of a god, which he once had and lost for his misuse of it. The boy explains that Odin achieved godhood through ritual and sacrifice; Thor is transported to the root of the World-Tree Yggdrasil. There at the Well of Mimir, Odin sacrificed an eye to drink of its waters of wisdom; Thor plucks out both eyes and gains an understanding of the past and is aware of the endless cycle of death and rebirth that is Ragnarok. To complete his task however, Thor must sacrifice his very life….


Review / Commentaries

5 stars

Thor #83 Review by (August 22, 2012)
Review: An epic tale ripped from the pages of Norse myth pushes us deeper into the old legends for an insight into this long-dead mythos. The whole story is steeped in a human-centered view of theology, shaped by The Golden Bough and Joseph Campbell, the two great attempts to explain away the divine as merely a projection of mankind’s hopes and fears. Thus the boy says, “True gods are not born, they are made” even though any god that has a beginning cannot be a god. Since I doubt that M.A. Oeming intends any of this as a serious comment on religion, I won’t go any further into the topic. The story is quite good, the art lovely, and the whole thing a nice blending of comic book heroics and a more poignant literary effort.

Comments: "Thor Disassembled"--Cover. Cameos in flashback to the original Avengers: Iron Man, Hulk, Wasp, Ant-Man plus Loki, Absorbing Man, Odin, Surtur.

> Thor comic book info and issue index


Excelsioring your collection:
Diamond Select Toys Marvel Gallery: Beta Ray Bill PVC Statue, Multicolor, 10 inches
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Andrea Di Vito
Andrea Di Vito
Laura Villari
Steve Epting (Cover Penciler)
Steve Epting (Cover Inker)
Frank D'Armata (Cover Colorist)


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