Stellaris, the Celestial Slayer, smashes into Eric Masterson’s
apartment as he has detected traces of the Celestials on Hercules. Herc battles
the baddie, protecting Kevin who realizes his pal Harry is Hercules and
concludes that his father must be working with Thor somehow. Herc takes the boy
into the street where they are saved from Stellaris by the arrival of the
Avengers (Captain America, She-Hulk, Sersi, Quasar, and Thor). Quasar materializes
a giant crossbow which shoots Shulkie into the villain, knocking him out of the
sky where Sersi enwraps him in a metal structure. But Thor recognizes that he
is the only one to defeat the foe and faces off with him; Stellaris increases
the size and power of his armor; Quasar creates a force shield to protect the
city as the two go at each other. But Thor has been holding back to test his
opponent’s strength and now unleashes it all, smashing his enemy’s armor open
and discovering—that Stellaris is a woman. And she announces that her armor
will explode in two minutes unless she is set free. Cap advises Thor to let her
go; Stellaris returns to the Black Galaxy. Thor changes back into Eric Masterson
and he has something important to tell his son….
Eric arrivers late for the custody meeting with his ex-wife
Marcy, stunning his lawyer Samantha Joyce and his assistant Susan Austin with his
decision. He will relinquish custody of Kevin for his own good….
Later, when the boy has packed his bags and is ready to
depart with his mom, he has a tearful goodbye with his father. After they
leave, Eric breaks down and is comforted by Hercules….
“When Winter Comes, It Kills”
Writer: Tom DeFalco. Pencils: Gary Hartle. Inks: Mike
DeCarlo. Colors: Nel Yomtov. Letters: Jim Novak.
Synopsis: The Warriors Three continue on their journey to
locate the monster and discover many Frost Giants frozen in ice. A short
distance farther and they are attacked by Ymir the Ice Demon, on his way to
destroy Asgard….
In Asgard, Odin is stricken in pain and he promises to
reveal to Heimdall the secret of the Endless Circle….