Follows IRON MAN #279
Members of the Imperial Guard usher the Avengers diplomatic team into the presence of Shi’ar Majestrix Lilandra. Captain Marvel explains their concerns about the stargate’s threat to Earth but an impatient outburst from Thor causes them to be dismissed to their chambers. Meanwhile, the Kree Starforce, led by Ronan the accuser, teleports into the palace on their mission to assassinate Lilandra….
In space, Wonder Man and Vision, stranded aboard the Nega-Bomb, discover it has been captured by the Skrulls….
Hearing the sounds of battle in the corridor, the Avengers break out of their quarters and join the Imperial Guard against the villains. Thor and Smasher overcome Ronan, Captain Marvel and Hardball beat Shatterax, Scarlet Witch and Astra defeat Korath, and Living Lightning aids Hussar against Supremor. The most powerful of the Kree is Ultimus and he enters the throne room, easily taking out Earthquake. Starfox intervenes and at the risk of his own life delays the villain until Lilandra herself can blast him with a weapon. The hero’s selfless action persuades her to recall the Nega-Bomb but it may already be too late….
Continued in CAPTAIN AMERICA #400