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Ultimates² (2017 series) #1

Al Ewing | Travel Foreman

Ultimates² (2017 series) #1 cover

Story Name:

What do you dream?


Ultimates² (2017 series) #1 synopsis by Rob Johnson
Rating: 4.5 stars
At the end of their 1st series the Ultimates broke up over the use of predictive justice based on the visions of the Inhuman Ulysses.

Now we are reminded that Eternity (in that cosmic entity's multiversal avatar) is in chains and screaming. And something behind him reaches out to touch him ... and we see various disasters, probably in various universes.

Then we cut to Dr Adam Brashear (Blue Marvel) in his undersea Kadesh base emerging from a machine which he's using to expand his consciousness. The base's AI is concerned about possible input overload/trauma. As is his companion Monica Rambeau (Spectrum). He tells her he's trying to see the world as she does. As living energy, even in her hard-light human form, she can't have normal human senses. Her cosmic awareness must just be simulating them. She's not sure she likes being just another scientific experiment to him, until he expresses it more poetically.

Adam says that he also sensed something else while in the machine. Monica says she's had strange dreams lately. And their frenemy Conner Sims (Anti-Man) suddenly appears asking if they've seen a cage around everything. He disappeared at the end of last series after Thanos caused him to lose control of his power. Now he's back with a very different look/power (courtesy of Galactus who sent him to reform the team). Spectrum attacks him but he encases her in an energy bubble. Then he does the same to Blue Marvel and takes them both elsewhere.

In the otherwise empty Vidalia Diner a waitress pours coffee for someone who denies being Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel. A man enters calling her Brenda and announcing himself as Luke Charles and they pretend to be on a blind date. He orders a complicated coffee and sits down. He is of course T'Challa (Black Panther) and Carol blames him for the end of the Ultimates when he quit, because the US Government only sanctioned them for an alliance with the King of Wakanda. He reminds her how the 2 of them formed the team to solve cosmic problem like the Infinaut, Thanos and changing Galactus from the Destroyer to the Lifebringer. But he claims that Carol subverted their aim to handle the minor Earthly problems that Ulysses predicted.

But he's here now because since his mind was expanded when they changed Big G he's been having dreams of chains and disasters, and he wonders if her cosmic awareness actually prompted her to suggest the Ultimates in the 1st place. We see that Carol has experienced something along those lines but isn't ready to risk reforming the team. She points out that a Presidential Order *forbids* them to reassemble, and she'd lose Alpha Flight. And it might spark a war with Wakanda. The bottom line is that she can no longer trust T'Challa.

But then Anti-Man reappears with his 2 captives in tow. However BP has a weapon prepared to deal with Conner. Which doesn't work because he's been changed (by Galactus). He tells them that they've all 4 become aware of what's happening outside the multiverse, and as such they're drafted into a war to defend everything ...

...and he transports them all to Big G in his Taa II world-ship who asks them to become his new Heralds, Heralds Of Life against the ultimate darkness. Danvers is still mad at T'Challa and now thinks he's complicit in G's plan. She's not ready to work for the being that destroyed so many worlds. But then a new voice is heard from as America Chavez appears and tells them they'll be working for her.

Good (or All)
Plus: Anti-Man (Conner Sims), Blue Marvel (Adam Brashear), Spectrum (Monica Rambeau), Ultimates.

> Ultimates² (2017 series) comic book info and issue index

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(The Boy Wonder)

Main/1st Story Full Credits

Travel Foreman
Travel Foreman
Dan Brown
Travel Foreman (Cover Penciler)
Travel Foreman (Cover Inker)
Travel Foreman (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Joe Sabino.
Editor: Alanna Smith. Editor-in-chief: Axel Alonso.

Review / Commentaries

Ultimates² (2017 series) #1 Review by (January 4, 2025)
According to the Marvel Chronology Project all the chars here come directly from #12 of the previous series but Captain Marvel, Galactus and Eternity have single intervening apps described in that issue's Comments.

For Black Panther these Ultimates apps are also between #8 and #9 of his 2016 series where he's struggling for control of his Kingdom.

1 of the 'disasters' depicted at the beginning of the issue is definitely a mass battle from Civil War II in the 616 universe. Another is possibly the explosion when the Guardians Of The Galaxy's spaceship crashed into the Triskelion during CW II. A 3rd with 2 planets colliding could possibly refer back to the Incursions that led up to Secret Wars and the destruction/recreation of the multiverse (which will be relevant to this series' plot). A 4th is a random(?) space battle. A 5th involves a 4-armed 'baby'. Another has some cat-headed beings. And another has space-suited lizoids fighting large insects.

Luke Charles was T'Challa's cover id as a teacher while he was an Avenger in their #52-87.


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