Comic Browser:


Vengeance #5

Nov 2011
Joe Casey, Nick Dragotta

Story Name:

The twelfth hour


Vengeance #5 synopsis by Rob Johnson
Rating: 4 stars
Last issue ended with Miss America Chavez transported to an alien somewhere. Now she's approached by ghostly figures of scientists Prof Schuyler, Dr Green and an unnamed 3rd, followed by many others. The trio tell her she's in the 6th Dimension, the realm of Tiboro. They were sent here from Earth by his Screaming Idol (as was America). The 3 safely returned to Earth (with the help of Dr Strange in Strange Tales #129) but they left behind shades who lack the spirit to rebel against the local god.

At this point giant-size Tiboro himself shows up and starts stamping on the assembly of 'ghosts'. Chavez fights back and is faced with a horde of large insectoids which the ghosts fight too. Tiboro lets loose a blast from his mouth which incinerates both sides. But Miss America survives (as do the scientists).

While this was going on we glimpsed the Teen Brigade's Ultimate Nullifier and Black Knight of the Young Masters (Of Evil) lazing in bed, and Jack Truman (as aged Larry Young) leaving the men's hostel.

Now we find Mayne and the female BK up and about in the YM's base in a crashed helicarrier. The rest of the YM are still out (as we saw last issue) trying to recruit Kid Loki to their cause. The girl is disillusioned with Executioner's crusade to wipe out the old guard of villains (such as Doc Ock in #3) so that young villains can take over. But she's no more convinced by the Teen Brigade's idea of saving the world in secret, and having a good time while doing it. She opens a safe and takes out a folder and hands it to him as an example of stuff the Masters' benefactor has given them. Apart from a covering note signed 'Z' it contains a classified dossier from 1947 about the Red Skull flashbacks in previous issues.

The report details what we already learned in the flashbacks:- Red Skull organised Spinner Camps along the Polish border with Russia which used uncontrollable molecular excitement to destroy products of a Russian eugenics program to create perfect warriors. Gene therapy increasing metabolic function, strength and speed rivalled Prof Erskine's Super-Soldier Serum which created Captain America. Hundred's of adults were exterminated, followed by all their children. We now learn that advancing Russians found the Camps but they were empty, and as we know Skull was believe killed by Cap in Berlin (but really also went into suspended animation). However a Spinner Camp scientist was extracted by the US as 1 of the V-Weapon team at Peenemunde, and a secret US operation confirmed the execution chambers. But the US decided to keep quiet about it.

Mayne is shocked by the cover-up. BK tells him that the US was secretly glad that RS had stopped the Soviets mass-producing super-warriors. But they couldn't afford to appear to condone genocide. This is part of why she doesn't believe in the idea of good vs evil. Ultimate Nullifier still thinks his Teen Brigade can make a difference, but she's still not convinced.

Back in the 6th Dimension Miss America is still leading the shades against Tiboro and the giant insects. Tiboro produces a glowing globe that he calls the 6th Dimensional Heartstone which he throws at her. It explodes, destroying many combatants.

The 'young' In-Betweener left the Brigade HQ last issue and has now materialised in front of Kyle Richmond, She-Hulk and Daimon Hellstrom of the Last Defenders. He reminds them that they've already helped America Chavez fight the Braak'nhud (#3). Now he tells them that she's trapped in the 6th Dimension and needs help again. Daimon transforms into his Son Of Satan id and summons his chariot drawn by 3 fiery horses. He and the In-Betweener take it and Shulk into Tiboro's realm, but IB leaves them en route.

Black Knight decides to quit the Young Masters. But before she goes she leaves Mayne with a parting gift of some info on the YM's computer system.

The 3 scientist shades have survived Tiboro's assault, and they see America emerging battered but unbeaten from the mound of dead shades and insects. Then the 2 Defenders arrive and Daimon brings the shades back to 'life' to fight again. The insects are also active. For some reason the battle now includes a giant spacecraft bristling with guns, which the SOS attacks with demonic blasts. Then Chavez flies into Tiboro's eye and straight through his brain. His essence leaks out through the holes and his stone body falls to the ground. Daimon and Jennifer Walters congratulate her and offer to get her home. But Miss America denies needing help.

Ultimate Nullifier returns to Angel Salvadore and Barnell Bohusk and the anonymous rest of the Teen Brigade. He tells them that the Masters had been notified by their secret benefactor about a big do being held in Latveria, with instructions to gatecrash it. So he proposes that they 'attend' too. And someone else agrees - it's Jack Truman who suddenly appears and tells them he's their info source.


Review / Commentaries

Vengeance #5 Review by (July 13, 2024)
The cover 'star' Red Skull is given more space this issue than his 1 page flashbacks in previous issues. But like the other cover villains his presence is peripheral to the main plot.

The 3 scientists in Tiboro's realm were panellists on the 12th Hour TV show (echoed in the title of this issue) debunking mysticism in Strange Tales #129. They were called Prof Schuyler, Dr Green and the 3rd who was never named (but some call him Prof Milsop). They and a TV technician were transported to Tiboro's 6th Dimension by the Screaming Idol. Dr Strange rescued the 4 of them.
No other abducted inhabitants were shown then or rescued. The technician has been forgotten about here but the 3 scientists have left 'shades' behind. It is unclear to me whether the many other human figures shown here are also shades or real unrescued people. But since Tiboro claims that America Chavez is a long-awaited sacrifice for his 'empty' domain then the others are probably all shades.

This and ST#129 are the only apps of the 3 scientists.
The Screaming Idol is the same (but will also show up in the Avengers Academy video game).
Tiboro was also the villain in Dr Strange #178 (part of a Black Knight crossover wit Avengers #61) and cameoed in DrS(1974)#35. He'll return for a bigger role in the Death Of Dr Strange mini-series.
Coincidentally a previous member of the Young Masters called Coat Of Arms wore a magic coat supposedly belonging to Tiboro (in the Dark Reign: Young Avengers mini-series).

Black Knight does leave the Young Masters and this series here. But she'll be back with the old YM in the Avengers Undercover series.

> Vengeance comic book info and issue index


Excelsioring your collection:
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Nick Dragotta
Brad Simpson
Gabriele Dell'Otto (Cover Penciler)
Gabriele Dell'Otto (Cover Inker)
Gabriele Dell'Otto (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Rus Wooton.
Editor: Thomas Brennan. Editor-in-chief: Axel Alonso.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.

Ms. America
Ms. America

(America Chavez)

(Kyle Richmond)
Red Skull
Red Skull

(Johann Shmidt)

(Jennifer Walters)
Son of Satan
Son of Satan

(Daimon Hellstrom)

Plus: Angel (Angel Salvadore), Beak (Barnell Bohusk), Black Knight (of Young Masters), In-Betweener, Jack Truman, Tiboro, Ultimate Nullifier.