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Super-Villain Team-Up #14: Review

Oct 1977
Bill Mantlo, Bob Hall

Story Name:

A World for the Winning!


Super-Villain Team-Up #14 Synopsis by Peter Silvestro

Magneto arrives in Latveria during a festival called by Doctor Doom to celebrate his triumph over the Red Skull; Magneto strikes against the guards trying to force him to be merry, ending by toppling a gigantic statue of Doom. He bursts into Doom’s throne room and suggests they team up to conquer the world. Doom disdains his visitor, revealing he has already subjugated the world: Doom shows Mags that he has filled the world with Neuro-Gas which has made everyone on Earth an unwitting subject of Doom. To demonstrate, he is able to force Magneto to his knees and then command him to kill himself which Mags does by drawing several sharp weapons toward himself, saved at the last minute by Doom. But the victory came too easily and Doom is bored so he gives Mags the antidote to the Neuro-Gas and challenges him to try to take the world from him….

Magneto arrives at Avengers Mansion and the assembled Avengers (Captain America, Vision, Thor, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Beast, Wonder Man, Wasp, Yellowjacket) immediately attack him. He easily wards off Cap, Thor, and Shellhead and takes down the rest of the team in seconds. Cap notices that Magneto has not tried to hurt any of them, suggesting a different purpose for his visit. Magneto explains the situation and asks their help. But Doom appears via holographic image to demonstrate his power and the Avengers kneel before him. Doom allows Magneto to choose one of the Avengers for an ally, freed from Doom’s control. Magneto chooses the team’s weakest member, Beast, and carries him off….

Beast awakens, freed from the mind control, in a Quinjet with Magneto; Mags explains the situation (again) and Beast is the one most likely to convince other heroes of the danger. But neither the Fantastic Four nor the X-Man are at home so Beast suggests trying the Champions in Los Angeles, a team that includes his pals Angel and Iceman. But when they arrive in LA, the Champions (Hercules, Black Widow, Iceman, Angel, Ghost Rider, Darkstar), having been warned by the Avengers, are ready to fight the villain and the “traitorous” Beast….

Story continues in CHAMPIONS #16.


Review / Commentaries

4 stars

Super-Villain Team-Up #14 Review by (May 30, 2023)

Review: Man, oh Man! Doctor Doom actually controls the world and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. Certainly a high point of Doctor Doom’s career; I know it’s the pinnacle of this comic series. The sticking point: Magneto considers Beast “the weakest Avenger.” Don’t know how anyone can make that evaluation when Hank Pym is in the room but there it is. The reason given is that Beast can more readily gain a hearing from other heroes but if that’s the reason, why didn’t Mags choose Captain America? ‘Tis a puzzlement—next issue it is revealed that Mags was hoping for someone to persuade the X-Men to listen to him.

Comments: Part one of two parts; part two is in CHAMPIONS #16. Don Perlin and Duffy Vohland credited as inkers. Gaspar Saladino lettered the first page. On both the letters page and the final page, it is mistakenly announced that this is the final issue of the series; there were actually three more, issue #15 being a reprint but #16-17 featuring all-new material. The letters page includes one from future comics podcaster Charles David Haskell.

> Super-Villain Team-Up comic book info and issue index


Excelsioring your collection:
Diamond Select Toys Marvel Gallery: Beast PVC Figure, Multicolor
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Bob Hall
Don Warfield
John Byrne (Cover Penciler)
Terry Austin (Cover Inker)
? (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Irv Watanabe.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.


(Warren Worthington III)

(Hank McCoy)
Black Widow
Black Widow

(Natasha Romanoff)
Captain America
Captain America

(Steve Rogers)

(Laynia Petrovna)
Doctor Doom
Doctor Doom

(Victor Von Doom)
Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider

(Johnny Blaze)
Iron Man
Iron Man

(Tony Stark)
Scarlet Witch
Scarlet Witch

(Wanda Maximoff)


(Janet Van Dyne)