Avengers, The (1963 series) #246 synopsis by
T Vernon
Avengers Chairman Vision and his wife the Scarlet Witch arrive in Washington for a meeting with President Ronald Reagan and are a hit with the press corps. A few minutes into the visit, Vision and the President go off by themselves leaving Wanda with First Lady Nancy Reagan and curious about Vision’s reasons for the visit….
In New Orleans, Monica Rambeau arranges to have dinner with her parents, uncertain how to tell them she’s an Avenger—the new Captain Marvel—while recapping her origin for us….
At Avengers Mansion, Wasp receives a call from Hawkeye, telling her that they have bought a property and are having it renovated as a headquarters for the new West Coast Avengers. Walking by, Starfox spies her and can see she’s unhappy over everyone being busy but her so he invites her to a party going on….
On a flight home from Washington, Wanda is surprised that they took a commercial plane rather than a Quinjet and Vision appears to be putting on an act of being an ordinary person for the passengers and crew….
Monica surprises her parents by knocking at the door only a split second after hanging up the phone on the other side of the city. She uses this to lead into the revelation that she is a superhero, Captain Marvel—and her parents are thrilled, her dad wanting to know if she’s met Captain America ….
Starfox and Janet arrive at swanky apartment where a sophisticated party is in full swing. They encounter She-Hulk there and are introduced to their hostess Sersi, who welcomes them, not caring that they weren’t invited. Domo of the Eternals contacts Sersi through a mirror, summoning her to Olympia for some important business; she refuses and turns the mirror into a painting so he won’t bother her again. The party is then literally crashed by the Delphan Brothers, eight identical men, there to abduct Sersi and bring her to Olympia. A battle breaks out with the three Avengers joining Sersi in fighting off these interlopers while the party guests all flee for their lives….
In New York, Vision and Scarlet Witch are accosted by reporters who want to know if it’s true that the President will make the Avengers Chairmanship a Cabinet-level post. Vision refuses to answer and hustles an irritated Wanda off, confused that Vision is alternately secretive and jovial and she can’t fathom why….
Back at the party, the Delphans finally manage to clap leech manacles on her to suppress her power and they carry her off to their ship. Wasp and Starfox pursue, only to be trapped inside and She-Hulk is left behind. The ship then teleports to Olympia, knocking Janet and Eros out. When they recover they are surrounded by Eternals and Domo announces the intruders will have to be dealt with….
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Delphan Brothers, Domo.