Age of Ultron (2013 series) #9 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
Last issue Morgana Le Fey and her forces attacked New York with devastating results. Wolverine pulls himself from some wreckage to discover that he's lost half a leg (except for the adamantium skeleton). It takes him 5 days to regrow a new one. Then he has to fight off some of Morgana's horned Doombots.
This is the Wolverine from the Age of Ultron timeline. He went back in time in #6 and killed Henry Pym before he could invent Ultron. But the new timeline he came forward to is arguably as bad as than the one he left.
Logan finds what remains of this timeline's cyborg Iron Man. Stark guesses that Wolvie is going to go back in time again, to try to make a better timeline. But he warns him not to do it, because repeated meddling at the same point risks rupturing time. But Wolverine isn't listening.
Now we look back in time to when Logan confronted Pym, and Wolverine fought Goliath. Sue Richards had accompanied the X-Man/Avenger, but is now outside trying to convince herself what's the right thing to do. But she's spared the decision as someone knocks her out.
It's Wolverine come back to stop himself. He's dressed in his original duds from Hulk #180-181. He's come back via the time machine in Nick Fury's Savage Land hideout. This was the only Wolverine costume he could find there, to replace the tattered one from the Morgana future.
Wolverine(2) tells Wolverine(1) not to kill Pym, because it will lead to a bad future. Wolverine(1) takes some convincing that Wolverine(2) is really his slightly-older self. Injured Goliath looks on bemused, finding it difficult to accept time-travel. And of course he's never heard of Wolverine.
W2 says they need to try something that the alternate future Tony Stark thought of last issue. Pym should be allowed to create Ultron, but he should build a secret off-switch into the robot. Pym agrees (because he can't resist the lure of creating an AI) saying he can then stop Ultron whenever he attacks. But W2 says they can't risk creating an unknown future. Stark's idea was to let Ultron do all the earlier attacks, knowing that the Avengers (or the Fantastic Four or whoever else did it) will be able to beat him. Pym must wait until the Age of Ultron assault and stop him then, so that the world evolves as the Wolverines know it will.
Now a reawakened Invisible Woman joins them and asks W2 why he hit her. W2 says it was to stop her from not stopping W1 from killing Pym. Sue protests that she had decided to stop him, but W2 knows that history proves otherwise. Befuddled, Sue wants to call in this time's Reed Richards for his opinion. But the Wolverines veto it.
Sue's testimony (from someone he actually knows) about the 2 future timelines helps Hank decide to do whatever he can. The final plan is to put a time-release on the off-switch, so Ultron will get switched off automatically. Then to stop Pym from interfering prematurely he'll make himself forget about it. He asks how to do that, and the 2 versions of Wolverine exchange glances.
Next we see Sue and the 2 Logans arrive back to the Savage Land in Nick Fury's flying car (which they nicked in #6). Sue points out that the Wolverines are a paradox. The 2 Wolvies excuse themselves and go into Fury's cave. They agree that 1 of them should die. W2 elects to be the one, to wipe out memories of the Morgana future. So W1 kills him. Then he and Sue re-enter the cave to go back to the future.
We end with Pym and the 1st version of Ultron as seen in flashback in Avengers (1963) #58.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Goliath (
Hank Pym).