Jesse Black Crow hears the voice of the Earth Spirit calling to him that his brother is in danger; he transforms into his bird form and flies to the rescue. At Skull House, Captain America and the Red Skull, both dying from the villain’s poison, are fighting to the finish. The Skull revels in bringing the hero down to his level but when Cap has his foe at his mercy…he refuses to kill him. The Skull demands to die, then he suffers a final seizure and lies still. While this was going on, Dave Cox was fighting for his life in the hospital but as the Red Skull dies, Dave awakens from his coma—and outside the window, the Black Crow flies to his next destination….
Cap leaves the bunker and discovers that Skull House was not destroyed (last issue) and that his friends are unharmed. Cap then collapses from the poison. Black Crow arrives to heal Cap of the venom because the spirit of America within him is stronger than any poison. Falcon and Nomad leave Bernie and Arnie and reenter Skull House. There they find Cap with the body of the Red Skull. Cap says it is time to bury the past….