The Shroud discovers Captain America
performing CPR on his new partner D-Man and persuades Dr Karl Malus to try
to reverse the augmentation treatment in hopes that D-Man will recover.
First they free Power Broker’s other prisoner, new Ms. Marvel Sharon Ventura
but it turns out she has been driven temporarily mad by the experiments
performed on her and she tries to flee the building. Cap manages to dodge her attacks
and calm her into cooperating. Cap confronts the Power Broker Curtiss Jackson
to tell him he will answer for his crimes; Jackson
retorts that Cap has committed a few crimes himself, making him a hypocrite….
Interlude: FBI agents Farber and McNulty report to the
Commission on Superhuman Affairs that they cannot locate Captain America….
Malus’ ministrations over D-Man lead to an optimistic
prognosis. As the police are called, Shroud takes that as the cue for Night
Shift to fade off into the darkness. A military chopper appears with a squad of
troops. On the ground, Lt. Michael Lynch informs Cap that they are here to arrest
Curtiss Jackson. Cap senses something wrong, just as Ms Marvel runs out of the
house denouncing Lynch as a partner of Jackson’s.
Cap grabs Jackson and he and MM
retreat to the mansion where she tells her story: Lynch manipulated her into
the Power Broker’s clutches leading to her augmentation (full story in THING
#35). Lynch brings out his big gun: a huge augmented soldier called G.I. Max.
Cap engages his massive foe with judo and agility. Lynch tries to shoot Cap but
a bullet ricochets off the shield and hits Max, who quickly dies from loss of
An epilogue tells us what happens next to all of the
characters and warns us of a major change in the next issue….